Clip #5

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[Velvet and Veneer were singing on a rainbow heart-shaped stage with their fans of their species in the audience and the full moon shining down on them. However, after 10 seconds, their voices change, and they sound disoriented and off-key. This confused the public, and began to question.]

Velvet: (thinking with a smile) What is going on? Why don't I feel his Troll Essence?!

Veneer: (thinking with a grin) The crowd is getting fussy. Why aren't our Diamond Microphones not filled with that blue Troll's essence?

[They stopped singing when they spotted the Star Sisters, Branch's Brothers, Viva, Elder Leaf, Tiny Diamond, and Bruce's Family.]

Elder Leaf: (yelled) You can stop your facade, Twin Spaghetti Legs! Admit! You can't sing because you're tone-deaf!

[Velvet and Veneer's fans gasp in shock while the twin pop divas sweat in worry.]

Velvet: Trolls are so silly.

Veneer: They are known for their sense of humor.

Elder Leaf: Crimp.

[Crimp shows up, which shocks Velvet and Veneer. And she is holding medical records and the twins' diaries.]

Velvet: Crimp, what are you doing?!

Veneer: Is that our diaries?!

Crimp: (shows the medical records) Look! According to Velvet and Veneer's medical records, they have a severe case of amusia. As well as their diary entries, they'd written how they kidnap Trolls so they can sing by stealing their musical talents until they die!

Velvet and Veneer's fans: (felt betrayed, angered, and heartbroken) The medical records are correct! They even have locks of the Trolls' hair in their diaries. I can't believe they were fakes after all these years! Boogus! How could you!

[Their fans began to boo and throw food at Velvet and Veneer, which left them depressed and dirty. They were so upset that they fell to their knees. Branch's brothers get on stage in a fighting stance.]

John Dory: It's over, Velvet and Veneer. We will no longer run away from you now that you're exposed.

Bruce: Where's Branch?!

Riff: (running with Branch's Chill Bros carrying Branch in his Diamond Prison on the stage) Guys, we found Branch...(puts him down to show that blue electricity is sparking and coming from Branch while he is struggling and screaming in pain) But he doesn't look so good.

Clay: Branch! (to Velvet and Veneer) What did you do to him?!

Velvet: (confused) Is he... resisting the Diamond Prison's effect?

Trollex: No wonder. Branch is more magical music-inclined than Floyd, so he must've developed a resistance.

[But then Branch's Diamond Prison begins to float. It glows in transparent bright light. This shocks everyone around him.]

Veneer: Huh, that's new. (Soon, his and Velvet's Diamond Microphones glowed into the same light.) What the-?!

[Velvet and Veneer soon get trapped in their microphones. They scream for help before being pulled into the Diamond Prison's light.]

Floyd: (worried) Branch! What's happening?!

Elder Leaf: Somehow, Branch's musical resistance is so strong, causing the microphones to fuse.

Trollzart: (panics) We should GET DOWN!!!

[Quickly, everyone runs away while the Star Sisters, Branch's Chill Bros, Branch's Brothers, Viva, Elder Leaf, Tiny Diamond, and Bruce's Family ducks in cover behind Rhonda. The shine stops to reveal a giant white Diamond-skinned Monster. The monster has the heads of Velvet and Veneer, with their eyes white and pupilless. They appear in Velvet's body shape in Veneer's outfit. And at the location of the heart, it is glowing blue and heart-shaped with Branch inside, unconscious.]

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