Clip #3

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[At Putt Putt Village, Poppy and Viva finished their song, "It Takes Two," with the Chill Bros, Poppy's Star Sisters, John Dory, Bruce, Elder Leaf, and Tiny Diamond watching while the Putt Putt Trolls cheered.]

Barb: (freaking) I don't know what's worse: Poppy having a long lost twin sister or her sister is 100 times more Poppy.

Delta: All that matters is that the end of the world is nigh since they're two.

[The Chill Bros, John Dory, Bruce, and Elder Leaf burst out laughing, which catches Poppy and Viva's attention.]

Viva: What are they laughing at?

Poppy: An inside joke, perhaps.

Viva: My assistant used to be the master of jokes when he first arrived in Putt-Putt Village. When I hired him, his humor became a serious smarty pants to help out our home. If only I could get him to crack one or hug me. Of course, I dyed my hair so we could match, but his constant working out makes him lose his hair color. Aside from his number knowledge, golfing, and reading, he-(a huge gumball was launched into her mouth that kept her quiet)

[A figure in the shadows holding a golf club appears to have launched the gumball in Viva's mouth. They walked out to reveal themselves to be Clay. However, he looks different. Now, he has messy lime green hair and a green one-suit with a diamond. He has a normal Putt Putt Troll overall appearance, as most resemble his appearance with exceptions like Viva.]

Clay: (twirls his club and holds it like a cane) Viva, what's all this commotion? Everyone was cheering before I heard music, and you were talking non-stop that I had to launch my gumball. (notices the Chill Bros, the Star Sisters, John Dory, Bruce, Elder Leaf, and Tiny Diamond) Oh, we got guests. That explains everything. (getting a good look at Branch, John Dory, and Bruce) Woah, wait? John Dory, Spruce, and-(gasps and runs over to Branch to pick him up underneath his arms) Baby Branch! (nuggies him crazy) Look at you! You aren't that Bitty B, I remember. You look just like Dad, without the mustache! (feels his arms and chest) Wow, have you been working out? You are ripped.

Branch: (breaks free from his brother's grasp) Clay? What happened to you?

Bruce: Bro, have you been working out so much that you got skinny?

Clay: And what happened to you, Spruce? You've gone fat, I don't mean ph, phat. And John Dory looked like he fell into a square building block hole.

John Dory: Clay, we must get to Mount Ragoues to save Floyd. He's trapped in a Diamond Prison. And we need to do the perfect family harmony to free him.

Clay: (shocked) WHAT?! Sweet, shy Floyd is in trouble. But if we're going to do it, we need practice. Good thing we have a stage in Putt-Putt Village

Elder Leaf: Let's make it quick. Who knows how much time Floyd has?

Clay: Grandpa Leaf? You look young!

The K-Pop Gang: We'll get the costumes. (leave to Rhonda)

Branch's Chill Bros: We'll get the music equipment. (goes to Rhonda too)

Tiny Diamond: What can I do?

Bruce: (puts Tiny in the baby carrier on Elder Leaf) You stay with the adults, young.

Tiny Diamond: You ain't my Daddie!

Bruce: (both their noses touch) And you ain't old enough, young man. Consider, how you manage to slip away from your father's sight, you will be grounded from joining on this dangerous mission.

Poppy: Hello, practice time! Let's go!

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