Clip #6

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[Everyone took cover when the explosion from the Velvet-Veneer Diamond Monster caused by Brozone's family harmony by singing, "We're Living in Harmony" occurred. Diamond dust falls while everyone comes out from hiding. Branch's Brothers had their eyes covered while they were in the air. When diamond debris clears, everyone sees a massive pile of large diamonds on the floor. Branch is seen lying in it, looking in pain with two giant diamonds on top of him.]

John Dory: (gasps) Branch!

Bruce: (Branch's Brothers trying to lift the diamonds off their youngest) Hold on, Bitty B. We got you.

[They activate their Country strength and toss the two diamonds off him. In pain, Velvet and Veneer poke their heads out of the diamond pile.]

Velvet: (rubs her head) Ooh, what just happened?

Veneer: (rubs his neck) Uhh, where are we? (The two diamonds fall on their heads, causing them to go unconscious.)

Clay: (picking up Branch) Branch, you're hurt. Hey, Grandpa! Do you have any healing magic?

Grandpa Leaf: (with eyes glowing gold) Yes, I'm coming. (touches Branch's forehead to start the healing) Come on, Branchie. Don't you go out on us. We're all here for you.

Poppy: Branch? (tearing up while hugging Viva)

Riff: Wait, I think I know how to wake him up.

[Riff takes out Fluffleberry Cake. The smell reaches Brozone, causing them to sniff the air, with Branch waking up from the smell of the cake.]

Branch: Grandma's Fluffleberry Cake!

Floyd: (joyous cry) Branch, you're alive! (Branch's Brothers and Elder Leaf hugs Branch)

Branch: Woah, John Dory, Bruce, Clay, and Floyd, you got wings and gills now.

Floyd: I know. Now, we match.

Hickory: (Branch's Chill Bros comes over) Branch, thank goodness. We thought we lost you.

Branch: Even I'm surprised that I survived.

Clay: (jokingly sang) He has survived! Branch has survived! Hey, hey.

Trollex: Hey, are you done with the hug?

Bruce: Why do you ask?

Trollzart: We want Branch hugs too. (Branch's Brothers pretend to ignore to continue to hug their youngest brother.)

Chaz: They're dodging our words. You can't have Branch all to yourself, you know.

John Dory: Give us a few minutes, and you'll have your turn.

Tresillo: (points to the cake) Make it a few seconds, and we'll give you the Fluffleberry Cake. (This made Brozone drool.)

Elder Leaf: (stops hugging and steps back) I predict this won't go well.

[Prince D grabs Branch's right arm while Floyd takes his left. Soon, Branch's Brothers and his Chill Bros begin a tug-of-war and use Branch's components like rope.]

Floyd: (with his three older brothers behind him and joining in the pull) No! We won't switch Branch over for some of our family's favorite cakes!

Prince D: (with Riff, Hickory, Trollex, Trollzart, Chaz, and Tresillo backing him up) It's your Grandma's recipe.

Floyd: Even though, still. We just got our Bitty B back.

[Wanting to stop this, Elder Leaf uses his Funk power to stretch his arm, take the Fluffleberry Cake, slice it into five slices, and feed one each to his five grandsons.]

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