Clip #2

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[Inside Rhonda, Tiny Diamond drives her. Elder Leaf lectures John Dory, looking upset while kneeling and head down. The Stars Sisters looked at the Brozone collection while the Chill Bros watched John Dory's torment.]

Elder Leaf: That is why you shouldn't have left your brother behind! He'd been through so much trauma! You should be ashamed!

John Dory: (shivering) But I am trying to get the band together, even the family.

Elder Leaf: If your parents and grandmother were alive, that would have beat you, Spruce, Clay, and Floyd to your graves! The dead are always watching, you know!

John Dory: (head up) Are we done yet?

Elder Leaf: You wait until for of you are together. This conversation isn't over.

Branch: (smiled) Now we're even, JD.

John Dory: (sighs before standing up) Rhonda, how close are we to Spruce's location? (Rhonda barks in response.) Good to know.

Poppy: Hey, JD. Can I keep Branch's Bitty B picture?

Branch: (embarrassed) Nope!

Trollex: (taking out his camera) See, Poppy. That's why you have to take pictures of the pictures and posters.

Branch: You what?!

Trollex: It was Riff's idea.

Riff: Anyway, John Dory. You're not off the hook with Branch's Chill Bros, his better brothers. (smirked)

John Dory: (offended) But you're not blood-related!

Hickory: At least we didn't abandon him for nearly the rest of his life!

Barb: HEY, SHUT UP!!! We are trying to memorize the Brozone merchandise over here!

Tiny Diamond: And I'm trying to drive here too! Anyway, I can see an island up ahead.

[Rhonda soon gets on the island to park. When Trolls step out, they find the island looking fun and relaxing, a total vacation island.]

Delta: (happily) Oh my gosh! It's a Vacation Island!

Hickory: (points to a "Welcome to Vacay Island") That's what the welcome sign says.

Branch: Oh, yeah, Spruce might be here. He's a lover of relaxing.

Prince D: (taking out the Troll Tracker) According to Trollex's Troll Tracker, he's circling the island.

Tresillo: So, he's surfing?

Chaz: Is that him? (pointing to a figure on a wave)

[Everyone looks to see Spruce having fun surfing the tide on his red surfboard. But Spruce is different from his Brozone appearance. He wears a typical 80s and 90s "surfer dude" outfit, with beach shorts, a necklace, and a loose shirt with styled back hair. He has a plump face and body.]

Branch and John Dory: (surprised yet confused) Spruce?

Tresillo: (takes out his Spruce's Brozone Picture and compares with him) Wow. He's really let himself go.

Wani: So much for being the Heartthrob of Brozone.

[Spruce soon reaches the beach to smoothly surf on the sand with a rose in his mouth to make an entrance.]

Branch and John Dory: That's Spruce, alright.

Spruce: (Notices everyone) Woah, visitors! Dudes and dudettes, welcome to Vacay Island. Mi casa is your casa. (sees his brothers) Wait...John Dory? (gasps before going to Branch) Baby Branch! (picks up Branch underneath the shoulders like a baby) Look at you! You've grown so much. You have gain a bit from the last time I saw you. At least I can still hold you. (holds Branch underneath his arm and turns to his older brother) JD, you've been squared to the face and body. Have you been working out?

John Dory: Well, you look like you've been letting loose a lot, Spruce.

Bruce: Actually, I go by the name Bruce. I gave up my name to one of my children.

John Dory and Branch: (shocked) Children?!

Everyone else around the brothers: (surprised) Children?!

Elder Leaf: (goes to the brothers) You have children?! That means I'm a great-grandpa.

Bruce: (confused) Great Grandpa? Wait! Grandpa Leaf, is that you?!

Baby Bun: Does that make Branch and John Dory uncles?

Trollzart: (frustrated) No fair!

Gomdori: Is it because Trollzart Jr. isn't Branch's real nephew?

Trollzart: It is.

Ari: You Chill Bros are more jealous than we thought.

Branch's Chill Bros: (embarrassed) We're not jealous.

Kim Petit: (rolled her eyes) Yeah, right.

Bruce: I can't wait to show the family about this visit. We can talk over to the village. (walks off while still holding Branch under his arm)

Branch: Can you put me down, Bruce?

Bruce: No way. I miss carrying you. You're still cuddly as I remember.

Poppy: Yeah, new faces ahead.

Elder Leaf: Let's make this quick because we got work to do. (As everyone follows Bruce.)

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