Rubble (All You Need Pt. 2)

Start from the beginning

"What do you mean?"

He shrugged. "I dunno, just a get feeling."

Then, as if on cue, the ground started rumbling, a hussing emerging from under the earth.

You stumbled into Schlatt, holding onto his arm and looking at the city around you. "Uh... Schlatt?" you said nervously, looking up at him.

You couldn't read his emotions clearly, but his worry bled through his eyes. "That fucker planted this entire city with TNT..." he muttered in disbelief. He turned to you and pushed you gently. "Run, before it explodes!" He shouted at you. "I'll find you later, I promise!"

You nodded once and took off, running for the edge of the city. You fought off the urge to look back, but you couldn't ignore the nagging worry for Schlatt that churned in your stomach.

Just as you were about to leave the city, the ground erupted, starting from the center of the city and making its way out towards the edges at breakneck speed.

The blast washed over you, sending you flying. You landed just outside the city, your body slamming into the ground as you rolled to a stop. You quickly curled into a ball, covering your face just as a wave of fire went over you, burning your skin and hair.

Once it passed, you continued to lay on the ground for a moment, breathing heavily as tears dropped down your cheeks, making tracks in the ash that covered you.

Once you determined it was safe to sit up, you did so, crying out as a sharp pain stabbed into your ribs, along with several smaller pains from the many cuts and bruises you attained.

Pushing past your pain, you stood up with a gasp and a wince. You turned around and almost fell back down once you saw what had happened to your beautiful city.

Where there had once been L'manburg, was now a huge hole in the ground, deeper and wider than you had been expecting. You weren't the only survivor, were you?

A sudden panic took hold of you as you looked upon the chasm, remnants of buildings thrown around everywhere.

"Schlatt?!" You yelled, wincing and pressing a hand to your injured ribs. "Schlatt! Where are you?!" You held back sobs, your breathing shallow in your lungs.

You felt a hand on your shoulder and jumped, hoping it was Schlatt. But when you turned around, you were face to face with the person you least expected to see.

"Tommy?" you asked, your voice weak.

"Yeah, that's me," he said.

"What are you doing here?" you asked, trying to fight off the urge to hug him.

"I was looking for Wilbur, but found you instead."

You muttered a quiet "oh", still disappointed, even though you had assumed he wasn't there for you.

"Did you get hurt in the explosion? Are you ok?" you asked him, inspecting his face. He looked older from the last time you had seen him, a bit more ragged.

"No, I'm fine," Tommy said. "You look a bit beat up though, if I do say so myself. You still hanging out with Schlatt or whatever? I saw you looking for him just now."

You flinched, deciding to avoid the question. "Where's Wilbur?" you asked instead.

"I don't know, that's why I'm fuckin' looking for him," Tommy said scornfully.

You sighed and glanced downwards. "Look, Tommy, I'm really sorry you and Will got exiled, but-"

He cut you off. "But you didn't know, right?" You hesitated, and then nodded. "Well, why didn't you try to do anything once you did know? You could have tried to stop him, or even come with us! You didn't need to abandon us like that- we-... we trusted you!" Tommy cried, his voice breaking.

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