chapter thirty

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Mistake began her transformation, revealing her true and final form.

"I am the ultra legendary super amazing mega rare never seen before hybrid dragon demon wolf snake angel, who also happens to be the long lost princess."

Ebony scoffed, "That's IMPOSSIBLE! There's NO WAY Ronald is a royal too."

"For once in your sad little life, you happen to be correct! Ronald isn't my biological sibling, we are stepsiblings. Perhaps you've forgotten?" Mistake's tone was light, but her eyes were GLOWING turquoise and her wings had an orange tint.

Ebony's jaw dropped. "M-Mistake... Y-you're joking right?", she stuttered as she threw herself onto the ground, "This is a prank right? PLEASE DON'T THROW ME IN THE DUNGEONS!!"

"Hahah, I won't... probably!!!" Mistake said in response.

Ebony crawled towards the hybrid princess and burst into tears, "PLEASE MISTAKE!! HAVE MERCY... I'M BEGGING AT YOUR FEET! I'LL DO ANYTHING, JUST DON'T FORCE ME TO LIVE IN SUCH AWFUL CONDITIONS!!!"

"You'll do anything?"

"YES!! ANYTHING, ANYTHING!" whimpered Ebony.


Ebony didn't know whether to accept the offer or decline it. On one hand, she wouldn't have to go to the dungeons, on the other hand... *barf sound* Ronald McDonald. Then she finally clenched her fists and stood up. How DARE she make me tend to such a LOWLY creature like Ronald... I AM EBONY DARKNESS DEMENTIA RAVEN WAY! WHO IS SHE TO BOSS ME AROUND?? Princess or not, my PRIDE is on the line, she thought.

Mistake stood there, waiting for Ebony to make a decision.

"Well?" she asked.

Ebony slowly walked towards Ronald, looking down at the ground. "Well..." she echoed. "I..."

"Are you going to help her?" Mistake asked, her voice sounding almost... hopeful.


"Go on," commanded Mistake, firmly.

Ebony bent down and put her hands on Ronalds heart, trembling.

"I'm sorry..." she whispered as she released dark energy into Ronald's body.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING??" asked Mistake, running towards her sister's body.

"I-" Ebony stuttered, backing away from the scene.

Mistake quickly embraced Ronald, "WHAT DID YOU DO??"

"I DON'T KNOW!! I WAS BLINDED BY MY ANGER... I'M SORRY!! SHE'S NOT DEAD RIGHT? I DIDN'T KILL ANYONE... RIGHT?" asked Ebony, with denial and guilt on her face.

Mistake leaned in for any sign of a heartbeat, only to be welcomed by Ronalds cold and empty chest.

"N-no... NOOO!! RONALD!!! HOW COULD YOU DO THIS... SHE WAS MY SISTER!!" screamed Mistake. Tears ran down her cheeks and flooded Ronald's corpse.

Ebony attempted to escape the imprisonment she knew she would receive by slowly backing away from them, however Mistake spotted her.

"Don't. You. Dare." she stated, trapping Ebony in a translucent turquoise cube, "YOU'RE NOT GETTING OUT UNTIL YOU HEAL MY SISTER!!!"

Suddenly, Ronald gasped. She gulped for air as if she was a greedy hamster.

"GASP," Ebony gasped with a gasp. "I thought I killed you!!"


"Yeah, that's right, I didn't!" Ebony roared, chuckling to herself.

Mistake erupted in anger, shooting holy energy everywhere. Suddenly, in the bright shining light, a figure appeared.

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