chapter fifty-four

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"I knew you were dumb, but I didn't know you were THIS dumb... I WAS A NEWBORN WHEN YOU DIED. Unless you're INCREDIBLY weak and can't overpower a mere CHILD, then I don't understand how it would be a possibility."

"Well... well... well... you ARE the super magical powerful princess—"

"The ultra legendary super amazing mega rare never seen before long lost hybrid dragon demon wolf snake angel princess," Mistake supplied.

"Yea, that, you're that! So you're even more powerful than a regular child! I'm just a mere human!!"

"Dad... Who was my mom?"





Present Time

Mr. Maid sighed. "Please don't make me remember her... I did EVERYTHING I could to forget, like marrying Barbara. Guess how that went..."

"Yes, Barbara sucks. I absolutely understand. But I desperately want to understand who I am! This sudden status upgrade, becoming the ultra legendary super amazing mega rare never seen before long lost hybrid dragon demon wolf snake angel princess, changed every aspect of my life and I don't know how I got to this point..." Mistake had the little 8 year old drawing a-black-circle-with-2-little-white-circles eyes.

"Are you sure you wanna know?"

"Yes! Of course I am!" Mistake shouted, tears in her eyes.

Mistake's father looked at her with sympathy, he too had tears in his eyes.

"Alright... But we have to go somewhere private, we don't know who's listening."

"Aren't you some spirit or ghost or a figment of my imagination??? I don't think anyone would be able to see or hear you! I probably look INSANE... Talking to air..."

"Well... yes. BUT! But. Umm. It's worth it!" Her father took out a piece of paper with the poem prophecy thing written on it. "THIS. You asked me about this. I will tell you more about what it means IN ADDITION to the information about who you are."

"WOWW. You're ALREADY stalling and making plans to DECEIVE me..."

"NONO!! This path just might help you understand everything more!"


"The poem reads 'So you wish to know who did it. You will have to find a deep pit. In the hole, you'll see lemonade.' I think the hole is YOUR hole."

Mistake blinked, confused. "What hole?"

"Mistake, we JUST talked about this. It's your HEART hole of course!"

"OH! But how would we find lemonade? Or even go INSIDE my heart?"

"It's a METAPHOR, dummy! Haven't you EVER heard of the saying, when life gives you lemons your heart makes freshly-squeezed lemonade?? It's referring to that!"

"Father... I don't know WHAT books you're reading, but I think I have a general idea. So, what do we do first? Find some lemons?"

"NO! Well, yes, but not LITERAL lemons!" Mistake's father waved his hands wildly in the air. "The lemonade represents GOOD FEELINGS! So we have to make GOOD FEELINGS!" He paused. "What makes you feel good?"

"Uhhh... I never really thought about it? I never really... thought about... myself."

"Well, we'll just have to try different things!"

"Like... Recreating the bee movie with ants!!!"

"NO!!!!! What the hell, Mistake?"

"I've always dreamed about dating an ant and then creating Ant Man... Who will become the MOST POWERFUL superhero on EARTH!!!"

"... Mistake, I think years without parental guidance did something to you... Mentally."

"Thank you! It is true, living without you and my mother were quite... difficult. But CLEARLY, I survived it quite well! I'm EXTREMELY normal and an average person." Mistake spread her arms.

"Uhm... I know a hug helped 'fill your hole' last time, but I'm not sure if I'm comfortable with that anymore!"

"Whyyyy papaaaaa. YOU were the one who said I was suffering because YOU weren't there for me. This is the least YOU can do for me."

"I suppose it can't hurt..."

The two leaned toward each other, when suddenly, Mistake gasped. She began to laugh hysterically. "MUAHAHAHA I'M A MOLESTER! "

"GASP!!!" Mr. Maid started clenching his cheeks.

Mistake felt (i cant believe im about to type this) her hole being filled up.

"It's ok papa... I won't touch you! Maybe..."

Mr. Maid shoved his daughter. "Uhm- I think there could be a better solution to solving your problem!" he forced a smile and mumbled, "hopefully..."

"I doubt it papa! I love you and onlyyyyyyyyyyy you!"

His eyes twitched. "W-well... We can always try to try something."

"Like what papa?"

"We can do my FAVOURITE activity!"

"What's that papa?"


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