Chapter 14

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"And you are drinking"

"Me? Nooooooooooo....i am drinking cold drink hyung" Taehyung shook his head to be sober....if his brother-in-law get to know about them drinking no one will be able to save them from his anger

"So... You are planning to drive while drunk?" Who was he trying to fool... Yoongi can easily tell the difference in his voice "No hyungie you will kill us if we do that... and even if you don't i won't take a risk to hurt my first ever car" tae said while laughing as if he have cracked world's best joke….

Yoongi on the other hand rolled his eyes... "Where are you guys right now?" Of course he know where they are... His guards are always following and protecting them... But he still needs act oblivious…"In our sweet little home" tae's voice crack... looked arround the room only they know how many memories they hold in between those 4 walls...all the laughter and cries....he miss matter how comfortable Yoongi makes him feel but at the end of the day that is his brother's and his brother's husband's home...not double he loves that place but again....a place filled with all childhood memories just hit different...

There was a long pause which made Taehyung think that Yoongi cut the call... But soon he heard his favourite voice "TaeTae"

"Kookiee ~" the voice of the toddler just made his eyes sparkle with joy…."TaeTae... We are chumimg (coming)" Jungkook said in his giggly voice "WHAT....but aren't you too young for this?and on whom baby....gosh even you got a partner and i still couldn't get my first date" with that Taehyung started crying hard while chugging the soju down…

Jungkook was confused and looked at his father who was on driving seat... "shut up Taehyung... What nonsense are you speaking... He said we are coming to your place" Jungkook nodded as if Taehyung could see him... "Yesh TaeTae... Dadda pick me up flom ouch and now we are chumimg to meet chu"

"No... please don't come here...if you come then take Jin hyungie with you...i don't wanna leave my home " Taehyung said while still crying and sobbing hard "Who said anything about leaving?" That's all Yoongi said and the line went dead

Soon they reached to Kim's home and saw Jin sleeping on the bed where as Taehyung sleeping in a seating position with his eyes were open and 4 empty soju bottle were place near the bed and Taehyung have one almost empty bottle in his hand Yoongi sighed and took the bottle out of Taehyung's hold before putting it down on the floor... He easily picked the younger male up in his arms... And gently placed him next to Jin... on the bed...

He wiped dried tears from both of their cheeks and peaked their foreheads... There was only enough space for Jungkook to fit between two sleeping cuties... So, Yoongi picked him up and made him lay down between Tae and Jin... He winked at his son before walking out of the room…

Jungkook tried closing tae's eyes but it got opened by its own jungkook got shared and kicked Taehyung in his stomach resulting him to fall on the ground he gulped and turn and pulled jin's t-shirt and went inside it and hugged him as tightly as he could and soon fall asleep


Yoongi was sitting outside of the on the tree trunk... Cool windy breeze was making his hair fly and also becoming the reason for his cigarette to end sooner than he liked... He hates to see tears in his loved ones eyes... And today... All three important people in his life cried…Tae came and sat beside him and put his hand on yoongi's shoulder "I have finally made him meet them....and he cried so much as i hate to see him cry i really hope it helped him....i hope he is guilt free now...he suffer so much...but why he had to suffer like this....why they had to die like this...why we have to grow up without them...why" with that Taehyung started crying hard on Yoongi's shoulder

Yoongi pulled Taehyung in side hug... "Sometimes... We don't always get what we want, right? When my dad and Hyung died... I was broken into millions of pieces... I know this won't be any consolation but I am glad that you both had each other... My mom didn't really care about me... She sent me away right after their death and only showed up when she found out Jin was pregnant... It's not like I hate her... But she never Really stayed in my life to care about her existence... But look at us... We all have each other... And trust me when I say this... You all are equally important to me" he kissed the side of Taehyung's head

Taehyung started crying harder after sometime he calmed himself down and asked pointed towards the peck of cigarettes yoongi is holding "can i have one?" Yoongi glared at him "do you want slap?"

"Noo but I still have a bottle of soju left, wanna tread?"Tae asked, showing his innocent doe eyes Yoongi shook his head before bumping it with Taehyung's... "Thanks but no"

Tae giggled and snatched the cigarette pack from Yoongi's hand and laid on his lap "if i am not allowed to have this then how can you?"saying that he throwed the peck of cigarettes and put yoongi's hand on his scalp indicating he wants a massage The older male chuckled and started massaging his scalp... "You are no less than Jin and Jungkook…"

"Oh please....even though he is the eldest but still i am way mature then him.... remember during his pregnancy how much struggle we had to do to take him for his appointment or to make him eat his meds....will you still say i am no less than that twins father-son duo?" Tae asked closing his eyes Yoongi threw his head back as he started laughing... "That too when he himself is a doctor... God I remember how he hit me when he found out about the pregnancy..." Yoongi took small amount of Taehyung's hair started making a pigtail…

"Yeah....and remember one day a friend of his tried to flirt with you.....gosh i literally felt so bad for you" Taehyung started tearing up remembering how the father son duo took their revenge when Yoongi wasn't even at fault

Yoongi leaned down and kissed Taehyung's forehead "it's okay baby... They are just two possessive humans" he was done tying the other pigtail and cooed at the beautiful sight

"Why are you laughing hyungie?" He ask being oblivious of what his dear brother-in-law had done to his face

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"Why are you laughing hyungie?" He ask being oblivious of what his dear brother-in-law had done to his face..Yoongi pulled out his phone and clicked Taehyung's picture... Thanks to the lights outside of the house made his face looks 10 times cuter...

He showed the picture Taehyung..Tae made a sulky face and immediately started whining "delete it hyungie" saying that he tried to snatch it Yoongi pulled his hand back...

"Uh uh... Nope... I am keeping it... And on your next birthday we are getting a customised cake of this picture" he winked and slipped his phone his pocket Tae's eyes widen in shock "you won't do hyungie you can't do this to me i am your only brother-in-law please"Yoongi gave him a smile...

"I know that you are my only brother-in-law... How can I forget you brought sexual message balloons on my and Jin's second wedding anniversary"

"Yeah...and you guys still haven't thank me for that" tae responded with a big pout "oh baby I will thank you with the birthday cake" he make Taehyung sit and started walking in the house…"Then get ready to get a vibrator on your next dearest hyungie" tae said while following him with his boxy smile…

"XX company sells the best ones... That is the only place from where I buy for your brother" he winked and left the teenager dumbfounded

*No Proofread*

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