König w/ a Petite S/O

Start from the beginning

♡ His mind often strayed into muddy waters, wondering how big his cock would feel in your tiny hands - in your mouth.

♡ König's not stupid; he knows he's massive compared to the average (and above-average) man.

♡ But to have you see how big he is, to give him a doe-eyed look as you ask him if it'll "even fit", makes him unbelievably hard.

♡ Has jacked off to the idea of that particular scenario multiple times, though he has felt the post-nut clarity and shame afterwards.

♡ And yet, he still thought of you, your tiny body quivering and cum-drenched beneath him, used and spent after a long night with him.

♡ It would seem our Austrian friend has been manifesting this whole time as, as luck would have it, that exact scenario occurred one evening after König had returned from a long mission.

♡ You'd known each other for little over a year at that point, the romantic tension (or what König perceived as romantic tension) palpable between the two of you.

♡ You'd come over to König's after your date (who König prayed would just disappear) stood you up.

♡ Believe it or not, König actually had nothing to do with their disappearance, and for that he felt even worse.

♡ At least then he knew they'd have a reason to not see you. But he was just as much in the dark as you were.

♡ And you cried. Rightfully so.

♡ You'd been looking forward to this date all week, and now you were left with a shattered ego and buckets of embarrassment strapped to your person like weights.

♡ "Am I not attractive enough?" you hiccuped through tears, to which König vehemently shook his head.

You are the most enchanting creature I have ever seen, he wanted to say. But he couldn't. Not now. Not while you were vulnerable.

♡ "Then why didn't he show up?" Your voice was partially muffled when you buried your head into the cushion König had supplied you with.

♡ König's blood boiled beneath his skin, his teeth clenched and his hands balled into fists.

♡ Someone - some bastard - had wasted an opportunity he'd have killed for.

♡ Now he was almost wishing he had. Killed that fucker and taken you out instead.

♡ König shuffled closer, already close enough that he could hear your hushed sobs.

♡ He placed a hand on your shoulder and squeezed.

♡ That seemed to make you feel better as you peeked up at König from the cushion.

♡ "Can't believe I nearly missed our movie night for that prick."

♡ "But you're here now, aren't you?" König said, softly, running a hand through your hair. "That's all that matters."

♡ One thing led to another, and within the hour you were lay beside König, bedsheets crumpled and pulled just to your collarbones.

♡ Your chest heaved as you regained your breath, body coated in a thin sheen of sweat, both yours and König's, the area between your legs wet and warm.

♡ König had regained his breath and cautioned a look at you.

♡ You were smiling. Whether it was the dopamine rush, your incredulity as to the evening's turn of events, or the fact that you'd finally done something you'd dreamed of for months.

♡ You turned to König, catching the lulling glint in his eye.

♡ "Well?" he said, smiling lazily. "Feel any better?"

General Headcanons

♡ I've said it for Ghost, and I'm saying it here:


♡ König thinks your height - or lack thereof - is something to behold in the same way that a kitten's mere existence can bring YouTube to its knees.

♡ He holds you at any given opportunity: around your waist, by your ankle (when you're play-fighting), your hand - anywhere.

♡ Enjoys teasing you, though does so very rarely (he's scared he might actually cause you to leave one day if he's too persistent).

♡ Genuinely cannot get over how small you are. Like, how are you so small? Can't you just...be bigger?

♡ Not that he would love you more if you were bigger, but given his sheer mass, he just cannot wrap his head around the fact that someone as tiny as yourself exists.

♡ Then König remembers that people have said similar things to him - telling him to "Stop growing," (though in jest), and how he was gifted his height as you were gifted your lack thereof.

♡ Will destroy anyone who even looks at you wrong.

♡ And it won't be difficult for him to. Just look at him.

♡ Goes feral insane manwhore mode if you sit on his chest and put your hands on him.

♡ You look even smaller from where he's lay (even though you're on top).

♡ Feels like he ascends every time you ask him to pass you something that's too high up for you to reach.

♡ Does hide things higher up or in places you won't find them because he wants you to keep asking him to get you things.

♡ Wear his shirts when he's around and he will literally die.

♡ Has a thing about ownership when it comes to you. He just wants to have and possess every molecule of you.

♡ And König will tear the skin from anyone or anything that stands in his way.


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