Move a little closer

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Biu's whole body start shivering because of bible touch. His hand is very cold . His breath becomes intense . Bible notice that biu feeling edgy . So he step back. Although bible is very passionate that time , he still control his desire because of biu.

Bible look towards biu with a fiery eyes and try to understand biu's face expression. Biu's eyes are close. He making a fist with his other hand. He could easily hear biu's heavy breath. Bible understand that he can overpower biu any day. But he still wants to take thar slow as he know biu really uncomfortable with these things.

Bible asked him in a soft tone Are you ok biu??

While opening his eyes he answer him , I'm...I'm ok bible. You know I'm trying to be comfortable around you . You I really like.... biu stop saying in middle of his sentence as he don't want to confuse to bible.
It's getting late , see you tomorrow .

Bible nods in agreement and says I just hope I didn't made you unconscious around me. I'm sorry if I mistreat you.
Let's meet tomorrow.

As soon as bible leave biu run towards his room.

He lies in his bad, and start thinking about what just happened. His heart beating very fast and his cheek become red, he is blushing. Build keep thinking about "Bible's touch." He didn't feel so much comfortable but still it was not bad for him.

This night is so long for biu . Cause he have to think about that sensual dance performance. Though he have feelings for bible but still it's a little bit difficult for him .

Their are so many questions is in his head like ,"should I say no to bible?" ,"What if I feel uncomfortable while dancing ?" , "What if I makes bible unconscious??"

It's seems like his head going to explode. But still every questions matter less than what bible did for him. And he can't avoid his " feelings " towards bible.

He reassure himself that he atleast try once to overcome his fear for the sake of his feeling towards bible.

He love bible since he mets him in his childhood. And that love growing more and more now.

While the same thought also moving in Bible's head . "He knows he has some intense feelings towards biu. " His love for biu blooming more and more, and he don't want to deny it .

But he has some scepticism in his head.
He don't wants to loose biu as a friend . He has some uncertainty regarding biu, " He thoughts biu let him touch him because he wants to become congenial for performance. "

But after he touched biu his "love and sensualism" towards biu become extrem. And he already "head over heels for biu.

As he loves biu alot ," he don't want makes biu agonizing."
So he plans to be more careful around his love.


In the morning biu takes a lot of time to get ready as he is still confuse about performance.

But still he don't wants to disappoint bible so he went towards the studio with Santa.

At the studio Earth again try to tease santa, look bible, "biu again comes in the studio with his pet."

P'Earth I come because I really miss you. After all I want to eat a lot of tasty thai food.

Don't tell me you again gonna force me to buy you food . Why did you love my money alot . "You want me to become bankrupt?"

And tell me what should I do if I really become bankrupt? How I'm gonna live my life peacefully than?? EARTH asks SANTA in a animated tone.

Don't worry P' Earth "I will take care of you for the rest of our life." Santa justify in a sweet voice.

Earth heart almost flutter cause of Santa's sweet response but bible got irritated cause of their childish behavior and tell them lot leave the studio immediately.

Santa and Earth pout cause of bible scolding . P' bible you are really bad you can't even tolerates us "how you will gonna tolerate your own children in future." Santa comment on bible behavior.

Let go P'Earth they don't love us.

I knew and I'm coming with you but why you grab my t-shirt always. "Can you just leave my t-shirt alone."Santa shouted while leaving the studio.


Sometime both of them act so childish. I don't know why they fight always. Bible chukles in a nervous way.

Alright bible I did  understand you but now let's start practice we don't have much time left.

They start practicing forgetting about anything else but, "how can they avoid there feelings when they gonna be so close to each other."

Biu teach some easy step first to Akuma's dad. They practice alone first. But , "they have to practice together for sensual performance. "

You already taught me dance step. But we should practice together. Don't you think so?? Bible question biu in little hesitation.

I...I know that we have to practice together. But you will stop when I ask you to stop right?? BIU'S unsureness easily visible in his face.

Don't you trust me?? I will make sure "You don't feel uncomfortable. " Biu I will be careful.

Biu nods.


They start practicing some sensual moves together. Bible Firstly "hold biu's hands to make him at ease."

They start moving towards each other slowly . Bible touching biu's body in a erotic way.

Biu's body become warm . And he start loosing his control from his body.

Their was a time when biu hesitates and feel unconscious when bible touch his hand by mistake.
But now "his touch making him losen his grip on his own body." He start carving for more and more . His body wants more of bible touch.

They are so close that "biu easily feels Bible's belly breathing." He could never thought he gonna be this close to someone . But now he can't get tired of bible touch.

Apart from biu, bible sexual desire keep growing. He wants to touch biu more and more. For a step he grab biu's
waist and he feels his soft skin.
His heartbeat getting fast and he want to kiss biu like their is no tomorrow .

At a point biu have to "sit on bible lap. "
Biu hesitates a little bit but perch on bible lap .

Biu facing bible while perching on his lap. "They looking deeply in each other eyes." And feeling each other breathe. Biu holding bible hair with his one hand , while bible holding biu waist . They have to move on to other in few seconds but, "both of them forget everything about dance as they are so close to each other."

Bible is definitely in Some extraordinary desire. His body is not in his control.
"He gets hard and biu feels Bible's phallus in his lower bottom." He feeling every inch of him.

They both are, " just five inches away from each other but the distance is too much for bible. " Bible is so much in sexual feelings and he forgot about biu's comfort and asked biu in a husky voice: "CAN YOU MOVE A LITTLE CLOSER TO ME?" " I REALLY WANT THE MORE OF YOU....

The Kiss We Shared While Dancing Where stories live. Discover now