Reliving the past

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Build is recording a dance performance in his studio for an upcoming project when his gaffer come to visit him. He has a" beautiful envelope" in his hand , which looks like an invitation.

Build stop dancing , when he saw his manger in front of him with an envelope.
He look towards his gaffer with a questionable gaze and ask him in a soft voice about the envelope.

His gaffer inform him , that " this is an invitation from a famous award show in Y industry."
They invited you to perform in the show. His eyes sparkle up after hearing this big news, as this is the first time he got a big stage for his performance. But , his smile slowly fade away when he get to know that he has to perform with an actor .

He try to says no to his gaffer but he opposed him, build you knows that,  "this is a once in a lifetime opportunity for you." We really can't lose this chance.

Biu knows, it's useless to argue with him right now. As he don't have any other  option left, so  he slowly nods in disappointment.

His gaffer inform him that he has to met that actor in his studio tomorrow at "10 o'clock" in the morning.

Build again nods with a sad face.


Build always hates this kind of situation, as he has some serious problem with "physical touch." " That's why, he never perform with a partner before."
He can't even tolerates, " touch of his friend." Not to mention his father's friend is the reason of his "childhood trauma."

He was just 13,  when one of his father's friend kidnapped him. He kept him in a small cottage in a village area near "Chiang Dao."

He remembers, he begged him in his nervous voice to not to hurt him. But, that man was not a human being , he was complete psycho.

" That inhuman person rape build survival time until his body become "weak and pale" and he start loosing his breath.

He begged him survival times, "PLEASE


"Whenever we feels helpless we all beseech for help and pardon, but beseech not always solve our problem and that's the exact time we realize humanity is just a mare word in this world. "

That day I beseech him survival time

but , as a heartless human he not just, rape him but also beat him with belt.
"He still have injures mark on his back." Sometimes he also "burn his nipple with cigarette." He didn't give him food to eat for survival days. He also beats him with wine bottle and also burn his body part with acid. "We all can imagine how much helpless he feels that time."

He still remembers, " his whole body become numb when that monster touch his body. He felt lifeless around him."

And then touch become his nightmare for lifetime.

But, one particular night he spent there still " haunt him in his dream."

It's raining alot that night. "It's seems like angel's also crying with him that night." It's feel like God giving him sign thar there is no hope left for him in this world.

"As humans can live without anything but if they loose hope , every second in world seems like a burden. "

He just want to die that time.
But didn't have courage to do that also , as he still wants to live for his dream.

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