Chapter 9: Spider Dance

Start from the beginning

She had to dodge spiders and then avoid Muffet's pet which was a bit massive, where does she even keep that? While that was happening, a little spider had climbed up on my shoulder.

Blue: Hello Mr Spider, how are you? You have a dinosaur friend? That's amazing, you taught it what?

Frisk: Blue! Help me!

Muffet: Oh? Having fun with my spider friends?~

Frisk: No!

Blue: Yes

Muffet: Well at least one of you is, I might even spare you~

Blue: Can you spare Frisk as well?

Muffet: Nope~


Frisk: BLUE!

Chara: Hahaha! He just said he was going to let you die!

Frisk was being attacked from all angles while the spider crowd claps in sync to the music that was playing in the background, Muffet was watching all of this and even started to dance to the song.

It was all like a show for me, but I knew what I had to do. I decided to free myself by cutting the webs with my blades, I made sure not to harm the spider on my shoulder and placed him safely away.

Muffet: Oh? You're free? Well then, looks like I'll have to make you into a pastry! You can meet my pet now~

Blue: We don't need to do this, Muffet, this isn't necessary

Muffet: Oh, you say that, but really it is necessary. I have a business to run-

Just then, another little spider crawls over to Muffet with a telegram. Apparently it was from the spider we met back in the Ruins.

Muffet: What? They're saying that they saw you....and you helped donate to their cause?!

Blue: Oh right, we did that

Frisk: Well you did that, which was a good thing

Muffet: Oh my! This has all been a big misunderstanding!~

Blue: So we can be friends now?

Muffet: Yes-! Wait....f-friends?

Blue:....Yes, this is how you make friends, right?

Muffet: Oh you are just a treat~. My apologies, I thought you were someone that hated spiders, that person who asked for that soul, they must've meant a different human with a striped shirt~

Frisk: Exactly, let's just forget this all happened

Muffet: Right, but I don't think I've seen a cuter human like you before~

Blue: Oh, thank you

Muffet: No problem, you can both come back anytime, no charge on the products at all........especially you, cutie~ [Winks]

Frisk: [Pouts] This devious spider!

Chara: Jealous?

Frisk: Yes! I-I mean no!

Blue: I don't mind

Muffet: I don't mind as well, you're an interesting human~

Frisk: Let's go Blue

Muffet: Oh? So soon? Don't you want to....stay longer?~

Blue: Umm-

Frisk: No! We are going, now!

Frisk wraps her arms around my right arm and starts to drag me away from Muffet, I look back at her and she waves before winking at me. Frisk was even more enraged and starts walking away faster.

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