RCA factory service request

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my tv remote is broken
and the tv is skipping
and it's playing the same part of this movie
again and again
and i can't find the buttons
on the tv
so i'm just watching it

over and over and over
i'm just rewatching it
for hours it plays in my head
and i can't turn it off
and in the middle of the day
it's starts to play again
and in the middle of a conversation
it's starts to play again
and it doesn't matter what i'm doing
or what i'm not doing
it plays on a loop
and my tv remote is broken

in the middle of a smile
i can feel restraints
in the middle of a sentence
i can feel the air escape my throat
with no sound
in the middle of the day
it plays on a loop
and it play and plays and plays
and i just rewatch it
because the tv remote is broken
and i want to ask for help
but the people on the screen only stare
and i try to cry
but i'm just pushing air
and i try to move
but my hands and feet are tied
and i can't go through it again
but it replays in my mind

it plays over and over
and over again
and i'm forced to watch
and to hope that it ends
and when it does
there is no relief
because tomorrow it will play again
it plays and plays and plays again
and i feel the needles in my skin
and i feel the tears roll down my chin
and i find the remotes and click the buttons
and the remote won't work
and the tv plays
and my mind it stays
in this everlasting day
and it's never okay

i can't do this again
i wont do it again
it's torture and i won't go through it again
i remember it
i feel it all
i throw the remote against the wall
i kick the screen
scream into the night
because silence beats
feeling yourself die

again and again
and again

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