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Craig pov (lol)(btw, yes, tristan is my oc and yes i included him cuz i can)

Like usual I wait outside the school for Tweek so I can walk with him to the coffee shop. He walks out shortly after and spots me quickly.

"You're seriously doing this?" He asks me.
"Mhm," I say with a nod. He shrugs and keeps up his walk down the street.

"So uh, what are we?" Tweek asks suddenly.
"What do you mean?" I reply, although I know exactly what he's talking about.

"I mean, are we actually.. together or something," Tweek says slowly through a series of twitches and hesitancy. "Or are we just friends who kiss sometimes?"

"Yeah, we're together," I tell him, entirely forgetting about my family. I forgot about everything, actually. Right now, only Tweek matters.

"Oh, alright." I glance at Tweek to find him smiling at the ground.

When we get to Tweak Bros I notice a certain boy sitting at one of the tables inside while spinning the propeller on his hat. He had both legs crossed and rested on another chair.

"Yo, it's Craig!" He says to no one in particular while standing up and pointing at me. Tweek walked away behind the counter to get his apron from the back.

"Yeah.. I thought you moved," I say, as I haven't seen him since September.

"Nuh-uh," He says while shaking his head. He pulls off his hat and drops it on the table to reveal his messy hair that still looks somehow neat. He smiled and it was strangely crooked. Almost like a half smile, but for him it'd be a full smile.

"Well, how the heck are ya'?" He asks, putting his hands onto his hips.

This is Tristan Warner. He went to our high school and was basically friends with everyone before he disappeared right as school started. Now, he's back..?

"I'm fine. What's up wi-"
"I don't actually care, sorry. I do have to go though. See you at school tomorrow! Yup, Tristan's back!" He says while picking up his hat and backing up.

"Hide your boyfriends, everyone! Might come and snatch them right up, I don't know yet!" He yells to everyone before finally leaving and walking down the street. That kid sure is something.

I walk up to the counter where Tweek was standing and had just witnessed everything.

"Who was that?" He asks, removing his stare from the door and on to me.

"Tristan. Old friend, I thought he moved," I tell Tweek. He nods slowly.

A man in his mid twenties walks up to the counter so I have to walk away and Tweek takes his order.

As he's making the drink I decide to slip over the counter and poke at all the decorations scattered around.

"Craig. You're not supposed to be back here." I look up to see Tweek with his arms crossed.

"I'm just standing here," I say and shrug.

"Go stand elsewhere. I have a job to do."
"I think I lied then, maybe I will get bored," I groan.

"Just go home, man. I'll see you tomorrow," Tweek sighs and uncrosses his arms.

"Fine. See you," I wave before going back over the counter and walking outside with both hands in my pocket.

However, I do not go home. Instead I walk around a bit before stopping at the basketball court to play a bit before moving on to a library where I use the computors to play online games. After a lot of that and more of sitting on my phone, it's 7:50.

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