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Tweek pov. yaaaaay

On Thursday Craig finally came to school. He looked different. Instead of his usual vibrant blue eyes, they were dull. His skin seemed paler, and his hat was covering his disheveled hair. He looked entirely different from the person I saw on Monday.

He sat next to me in english and didn't say a word to me; which is unusual on it's own. He didn't even look at me.

"Hello," I said to him. He tilts his head to look at me, but he doesn't utter a word, as if he knows i'm going to say more. "Nice to see you here." I meant it as a joke to try and lighten the mood, but I think I made it worse. "Sorry," I quietly say, then look back to the front of the room.

"It's just lovely to be back." I look back at Craig and he's giving me an empty smile again. Not like those stupid smirks i've been getting, but this one was an actual smile. It was just little, and his eyes weren't so condescending. He drops it a little too quickly.

English goes by how it usually does, and then it's history. I walk there with Craig. We don't say anything, but he's there.

In history, Craig and Clyde talk. I feel unwanted, but I have no where else to go.

"Yo!" Clyde says to Craig when he sits.
"Hey, dude," Craig says back.
"How was english? I can tell you right now, science is boring," Clyde complains.
"Was probably just as boring as your science class."
"Pft. I doubt it."

The way they had their conversation and related to eachother made me feel something inexplicable. Was it — perhaps — jealousy? Jealous because of how easy one can talk to another? Jealous because I know I will never have something remotely close to that?

"Do you want me to move? So you two can sit next to eachother?" I spoke quicker than my mind. Clyde gave me a disgusted look.

"Nah, I don't want to sit next to that nerd," Clyde tells me, and his face relaxes after.

"Agreed, although I am not a nerd. Rather not sit next to that thing, I see him enough," Craig said. "No need to worry, Tweek. I would much rather sit next to you," Craig says when Clyde looks to the front of the classroom.

I move my head to look at Craig, and there is that same meaningless smirk. Though this time, he looks like he's holding back a laugh. He swallows it and looks to the teacher, who had just started talking. His smile dropped on the way.

How could he do that? How can he just sit  there and speak his mind with no remorse. How can he give me those looks, those stupid smiles and those careless laughs. How can he do all that, and still look so beautiful? I don't understand.

No. I'm getting too ahead of myself. If Craig Tucker is anything, it is most certainly not beautiful.

But those eyes -- my hand shoots up before I can think anything else.

"Tweek. What can possibly be more important than this lesson?" The teacher asks, a hint of carelessness in his tone.

"Can I go to the washroom?" I ask. He says yes, so I stand up. I make eye contact with Craig for a brief moment before I rush out of the room. I can breathe out here. I'm not suffocating.

I walk to the bathrooms. Where even are they? I find them quickly and lock myself in a stall. I take a moment to catch my breath and then try stuffing my mind with the thought of anything other than Craig.

I don't care about Craig, why would I? I don't. Idontcareidontcareidontcareidontcare.

I can breathe for real this time. I unlock the door and walk out. I rinse my hands with water so cold it burns. Then I head to class as if nothing happened.

I sit back down, and listen to the teacher speak, and I eventualy forget all about it, because nothing happened.

The bell rings, now it's lunch. Craig invites me to sit with everyone again, I say I can't. I'm slow to leave the class, I don't want anyone walking near me. I get to my locker and deposit my stuff before grabbing my book that I actually checked out and head to the library.

On my way there, I happen to notice Craig and all his friends, minus Kyle and Stan. They are laughing, talking, throwing stuff around. It makes me feel ill. Jealous.
In the library my thoughts clear.

Next thing I knew, the day is over. I am again slow to leave class and slow to leave the school altogether.

Craig is back, same as always, but it's different for me. It's stupid. I'm stupid, he's stupid, it all is.

When I get outside and start walking, I hear fast footsteps, and suddenly Craig is next to me.

"Hey Tweekers," he says to me. I grimace at the name.

"That's new," I spoke, trying not to sound like I liked him calling me that. Which I didn't, so I wouldn't have to pretend.

"It's still slang for a person who uses meth." So much for that.

"I don't do meth," I tell him. Not anymore, at least. It sort of ties in with the whole reason I moved here, but Craig doesn't need to know any of that.

"See you tomorrow, Tweaker." I look at Craig to see him stopped in front of his house.

"Oh, didn't know you were back home," I mindlessly say.

"I'm not, but i'm about to be. I hope," Craig tells me, then he walks inside.

Craig pov (nooo wayyy)

I walk inside of my house with an intent of not leaving until i'm welcome back home by my dad.

"Craig? What the hell are you doing here?" My dad asked, standing up from the couch.

I'm not going to force him to accept me.

"I told you i'm not having a gay son in my house."

I'm not going to beg to stay home.

"Unless you're no longer a homo, get out."

I'm going to just be straight.

"I'm not," I tell him. "I'm not gay anymore."

"Good. Wasn't so hard, was it? I suspect you snuck in to get some of your stuff, go get it and you can stay."

My dad had walked over to me placed a hand on my shoulder. One of those things a dad would do when he's proud. But I can barely even call him my dad anymore, and there was nothing to be proud of.

I nod and leave to get what I had at Clyde's house.

I'm allowed back at my house as long as I like girls. As long as I just don't get with a boy, i'll be normal. And my dad can love me.

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