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Tweek pov

I start the walk to school, happy that today was a Friday and I don't have to worry about school tomorrow. This morning I put the gloves on again with no thought behind it.

Craig doesn't walk with me this morning. I don't see him at all until english starts, even then he was late.

He entered the class ten minutes after the bell rang and made his way to the seat next to me.

"Mr Tucker. Care to explain why you were late?" The teacher, Mrs. Thorves, asked him.

"Not really," Craig said before sitting down. "Hi," He whispers to me. I smile back at him, knowing I wouldn't get a response out in time.

"Would you rather go to the office?" She asked him, crossing her arms.

"No. I just got back from the office," Craig told her. She began looking confused so she told everyone they can continue their essays while she leaves for a moment.

"Why were you in the office?" I asked Craig. He let out a small laugh before saying, "I wasn't."

I went back to work on my essay, but it wasn't long until Mrs Thorves returned.

"Craig. Come to my desk," She says. Craig stands up and walks to her desk. He stands there and I can see the teacher saying a load of stuff to him. I get back to work on my essay so I don't know exactly what happened.

He eventually comes back and doesn't say much, even when I ask him what happened, he just shrugged.

History and lunch went the same as everyday, along with math and science. Then, school was over and I met Craig at the front doors of the school.

"Where are you taking me?" I ask, following him as he walks down the sidewalk.

He takes me down our street, then to a place I recognized as stark's pond. We sat on the bench and I pulled my hands out of my pocket.

"Nice gloves," He says, motioning towards the gloves that are technically his.

"You wouldn't take them back," I said. Craig hums and nods his head.

I tried my best not to show how extremely freezing I was. Who the hell takes someone to an outside pond while it's like -25°? He may be used to this weather, but I most definitely am not.

"Are you cold?" I look over to Craig and he's staring at me. "I forgot. About you not being used to the cold and all. We can go somewhere else."

"N-no, I'm okay. I like it here," I tell him and pull on a smile. He takes off his hat and pulls it on my head, then adjusts it so my ears are covered well. I give him a confused look.

"So your ears aren't cold. I don't-" He stopped talking when I dropped my head on his shoulder. Shortly after, he does the same, but his heads on mine.

"Why'd you ask me to come here?" I ask him after a moment of silence. He lifts his head up, "Right," Craig says, like he nearly forgot the whole point.

I pull my head up to see him staring at the sky. "I like you," Is all he says. My eyes widen. Craig doesn't look away from the sky, he doesn't say anything else, and he acts as if that's just a normal thing people say.

"What?" Is the only thing I manage to say. I had the suspicion he did, but hearing it out loud makes it all that much more real.

"I like you," he repeats. Then he looks at me with his usual blank face. It's hard to tell if he actually means it, or he's just joking.

"Uh," I move my gaze down to my lap, where I start to fidgit with my fingers, then my sweater. "I um. I like you too," I could only say that in a whisper.

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