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siyeon's pov

the warm morning sun heating up my skin through the blinds, birds chirping all throughout the neighborhood, being in a comfy position on your bed. seems like the perfect day, but really, it sucked.

i walked down the stairs to find jungwon on his phone looking at something. i expected him to say something like "happy birthday!" to me when he saw me, but instead, he just looked at me and kept scrolling on his phone. 

"whatcha lookin at?" i asked.

"nothing much, just pictures from jay's birthday party the other day."

"do you have anything to say to me..?" 

"good morning? what do you want me to say?"

"i guess i'll just have to wait until you remember."

"oh yeah, eunhye told me to tell you to meet her and some felix guy at the cafe in an hour." 

"ok then, i'll get ready then." i sulked before heading to my room. how could my own brother forget my birthday? who else would forget? eh, why do i care? i only have two more friends anyways.

i got on an outfit which made me look alive and put on makeup so it wouldn't look like i cried all night. i just know eunhye would be mad at me if she caught me crying over ni-ki again. i ran out and tied my shoes. my bike riding prepared just the perfect amount of breeze to fly through my hair.

a long arm waved me over to a table where my friends sat. "over here!" a deep voice exclaimed. i immediately knew it was felix because his deep voice stuck out anywhere he went. "happy birthday baby girl!" eunhye happily squealed. 

"i'm not your little gummy bear.." i joked.

"ok, all jokes aside, happy birthday siyeon! i made you some yummy brownies!" felix beamed.

"sunshine boy, stop trying to steal my girlfriend. she's mine!" eunhye laughed.

"well thank you for the brownies, felix. i'll try them later at home. also, i don't wanna stay at this cafe any longer.. gives me deja vu." the two nodded and we walked outside.

"we should go to the mall! i'll buy you a birthday gift." eunhye suggested. felix and i happily agreed before we started walking to the nearby mall. we went to all my favorite shops and it was seeming like my day would only go up from here.

an hour of shopping can prove itself to be extremely expensive and exhausting. "finally! i can go home. my legs HURT." i complained. walking home with sore legs is definitely a life changing experience.

nobody's pov

siyeon limped into her house with all the lights off. suddenly, a few people jumped out of nowhere and yelled "surprise!" siyeon was ecstatic. they did remember her birthday! well, they, being jungwon's band, was definitely less exciting, but she would take it over nothing.

she happily hugged jungwon with her friends smiling behind her. letting go of the hug, she spotted someone who she didn't want to see in a million years. ni-ki. "jungwon why is HE here." she whispered while discreetly pointing at him.

"yeonnie, i know you probably hate him, but he told me something that made me forgive him, so i invited him." he replied. she glared at her older brother and grumbled before stomping away to ni-ki. "outside. now." she ordered. he walked outside to the backyard with an indifferent look on his face.

siyeon shortly followed him outside after excusing herself and greeting everyone. "what are you doing here?" she questioned.

"your brother just seems to have a soft spot for me, i guess." he carelessly responded.

"god, how many times to i have to express this? i hate you! i never want to see you for the rest of my life." she yelled.

"tell me what you really think about me." he coldly said.

"fine. you want the truth? i'll tell you then. i love you so so much. my heart hurts whenever i see you with stupid danielle! i like you so much to the point i could die, but thanks to you, i can never be the same ever again." she broke.

"woah calm dow-" he quickly got cut off.

"no, actually won't calm down. i thought that maybe one day, we could make up and be with eachother, but all you show to me is indifference! you're the reason my life is falling apart bit by bit and you'll never change! i can't believe i love you. get out of this house, NOW." she cried.

he waited for her to calm down. placing his hand on her shoulder, he calmly said, "siyeon, why didn't you tell me this?" his love for her was breaking this fake personality to her.

"i don't want to hear it. get out. thanks a lot for making this the worst birthday ever." she wailed. he felt sorry for the state she was in. loosing weight constantly and apparently crying in her room all day. "one day, i'll tell you the truth as well. you just have to wait for me."

"god ni-ki. don't you understand that i've done enough waiting already? just leave already, i don't care how. you've done enough." she sobbed. he nodded and quietly left the party, leaving everyone confused.

jungwon was starting to get worried, his little sister was outside for too long at her own party. so, he strolled outside to see siyeon sitting on the hammock, crying her eyes out. he quickly ran over to her and hearing the sobs from inside, everyone else quickly stopped what they were doing to check of them.

the sight of two siblings next to eachother and one comforting the other made the others feel a little more relieved, but still concerned. what could've ni-ki done to get her like this? "wonnie, you also don't understand. he'll never feel what i could be feeling right now." siyeon complained.

after a bit, the party was quickly shut down and siyeon was put to bed with felix by her side. was this her worst birthday? probably.


a/n: active era??? jkjk i won't be in an active era for a few months😭😭. anyways i just wanna thank everybody for 500 reads! the support ive been getting recently is just soo much and im so thankful!!

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