36|| Willing To Love Despite Alexithymia [Suegiku]

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Welcome to the fourth update of tonight ^-^! 

I finally solved the drama between Jouno and Tecchou lol! 

Now, let's talk about the fact that Tecchou had a beef with a 14 years old kid to look for Jouno! I really want to know what will happen and how he will react when he found out what actually happened to Jouno... 

Well... Since Fukuchi is dead, there is no one he can get revenge on... I hope poor Akutagawa won't pay a price... After all the one who controlled him was that old geezer... 

The fact that Kenji still wanted to help Tecchou to find Jouno is really sweet lol! If it was me, I would definitely crush the life out of him after he beat me like that! Lmao, I'm joking!

By the way what is really Asagiri's problem with small children?! 

Anyway, time for warnings! 

This chapter contains smut! If you are not comfortable with it, please don't read the chapter! I won't tolerate any hate comments and insults! Criticize me with respect! 

If you decide to read, enjoy ^-^! 

⊱ ───── {.⋅ ۵♡۵ ⋅.} ──── ⊰

Jouno definitely didn't want to open the door for Tecchou, but he knew Tecchou was persistent. So, he resigned himself to accepting that he would have to let him in, despite his discomfort at the idea. "What do you want Tecchou?" He asked.

"I want to talk." Tecchou replied.

Jouno gave Tecchou a curt nod in acknowledgment. He moved aside once Tecchou had entered, allowing him space to come in. He closed the door behind him and waited to hear what it was that Tecchou wanted to talk about.

Tecchou cleared his throat, obviously feeling the tension between them. "I wanted to talk to you about the recent events that happened between us."

Jouno nodded, understanding the topic of conversation. He leaned against the wall, arms crossed over his chest as he listened.

Tecchou continued. "I wanted to apologize for the things I said. I know it hurt you a lot, but you must understand that it is not my really fault. I have a psychological disorder called alexithymia which means I have difficulty naming my emotions and other people's emotions."

Jouno remained silent for a few moments before responding in a firm yet understanding tone. "I appreciate your apology, Tecchou and I will gladly accept it. I wish you told me about your problem earlier." He paused for a bit. "Let's try to work together to move past this and be more understanding and communicative in the future, okay?"

Tecchou smiled at the response. "Thank you, Jouno. I just thought you should understand why I acted the way I did. I don't expect any special treatment, but I do want to make sure you understand why I do the things I do."

Jouno placed a reassuring hand on Tecchou's shoulder. "I understand that it must be difficult managing your disorder. I want you to know that I'm here to help you, if you ever need it. I believe that we can work on this together, to get a better understanding of your emotions and help you to communicate more effectively with regards to them."

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