21|| New Teachers Bring New Jealousy Issues

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Hello ^-^! 

Welcome to the new chapter ^-^! 

In this chapter we will have two original characters~! 

I will use Yelan and Zhongli as face claims 😏​😏​😏, because I can 😏​😏​😏

I will change the names of course! 

There is no need for warnings for this chapter, but I will tell somethings lol. If you don't want to read you can skip here! 

Note 1: For the ones who don't know the shoe tradition in wedding is a tradition in Turkish weddings. Before the wedding ceremony, the bride (there is no bride here though, all of them are grooms lol) writes the names of her single/unmarried friends on the bottom of her shoe. Whoever's name is the first to be unreadable or the most rubbed off at the end of the day will be the next to get married. 

Note 2: Nikolai and Fyodor are talking like that because of their jealousy. I love both Yelan and Zhongli! So please, if you don't make rude comments about this I will appreciate it ^-^! 

Anyway enjoy ^-^! 

⊱ ───── {.⋅ ۵♡۵ ⋅.} ──── ⊰

[Fyodor created a new group chat.] 

[Fyodor named the group chat as "Code Blue".] 

[Fyodor added Dazai, Atsushi, Edgar, Jouno.] 

Fyodor: Code blue! 

Edgar: What am I doing with you brats? 

Fyodor: Because you are the uke in the relationship. 

Edgar: Ah Ranpo... I will ask you about this... 

Dazai: What is with this "Code Blue" bullshit? 

Dazai: We are not in hospital damn it! 

Fyodor: Is now really the time to get hung up on that detail😤? 

Fyodor: I added you all for an emergency😤! 

Dazai: What is that emergency? 



Dazai: What about her 🙄​? Even if you failed her class, I don't give a fuck about this😤!

Fyodor: Of course I haven't failed you idiot 😤! 

Fyodor: The problem is, she is always around Nikolai😤! 

Fyodor: She always sits next to my boyfriend under the pretext of "helping out"😤! 

Fyodor: I don't like it😤!

Dazai: Hahaha I will send screenshots to Nikolai to show him how much his boyfriend is in love with him🤣​🤣​🤣​🤣​🤣​🤣​🤣​🤣​🤣!

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