"G-Get ahold of yourself. This suit is expensive." Yeosang holds Yunho back from ripping his father's valuable white shirt.

"You're wasting so much time-"

"No Yunho, you don't understand. It's my dad's. I can't ruin it."

Yunho stops and gently gets up. "Alright, fine."

He backs away and waits for Yeosang to undress himself to which he didn't. Yunho tilts his head a little, awaiting a response.

"C-Could you..." Yeosang waves his finger in a circular motion for Yunho to turn around. Realizing that, Yunho lets out a hearty laugh and steps away, turning his back on the blushing younger.

"We've never stripped ourselves so politely before." Yunho faces the wardrobe as he removes his garments one by one, hanging his suit inside it as he does so. "Usually we would have to prepare a sewing kit beforehand to stitch back your popped-out buttons. What's up with torn shirts when it comes to me and you, hm Yeosang? I've been ripping your clothes since the first day. Remember dodgeball? Man I really am sorry, Yeosang. Guess I could never go easy on you. So tonight, how about we- Yeosang?"

The second Yunho spins to the bed, he sees a huge lump underneath the sheets and all Yeosang's clothes are laid on the other side of the bed. Yunho scratches his head and takes Yeosang's clothes to hang them in the wardrobe too. Only then did he climb onto the bed and tug the sheets but Yeosang refused to reveal himself.

"Why are you hiding?"

Yeosang doesn't reply. Yunho guesses the reason why Yeosang is acting this way and tries to pull the covers again to no avail.

"Are you... Shy?"

"Get me out of this room." A muffled voice resonates from under the sheets.


"Get. Me. Out." Yeosang speaks again but in a harder tone.

"Yeosang." Yunho touches the lump which he assumes to be Yeosang's shoulder. "We both want to do this. Don't cover yourself from me and let me look at you. There's no need to feel shy in front of me."

"It's... been too long..."

"I know, but it's alright. I'll make you enjoy it like you used to. I'll be gentle this time."

Slowly falling for the persuasion, Yeosang dives up from under the sheets to peek at the guy smiling softly at him.

"There's my beautiful prince."

"Stop..." Yeosang timidly hides himself again but Yunho is quick enough to halt him.

"Let me look at you, my darling. Let me see the beauty I haven't seen in a painful while."

"I feel shy, Yunho... And I'm scared..." Yeosang unveiled half of his face where Yunho could see the anxious glint in his doe eyes.

"Don't be." Yunho pulls the edge of the sheets over him and leans in. "I will do whatever it takes to take care of you tonight."


"Do you love me, Yeosang?"

Yunho kisses and nips on the soft flushed neck as he fastens his thrusts inside the guy underneath him. Yeosang keeps his face down while gasping at every hard movement pounding in him like it's a new rare feeling. It's like Yunho is purposely suffocating him from answering that one easy question.

"Answer me, Yeosang." Keeping his pace steady, Yunho pinches Yeosang's jaw to lift his head so he could see that celestial face of pleasure Yeosang is making. "Do you love me? Stop moaning and say it!"

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