The golden knob of the door fell in her fingers, followed by the wood opening completely when she pulled from it. She stood there, opening and closing the door a few times, confused at her own surprise every single time she was able to open it.

She dragged her clothed feet over the floor, hugging herself tight. She was finally aware of the new clothes. She was wearing a gray hoodie she had never seen before, and she was genuinely wondering if it belonged to Jungkook by how big it looked on her.

It wasn't like she genuinely expected to find him there, while she struggled to go downstairs; but at the same time, she was hopeful he'd be there. Although there were no signs of him, he was nowhere to be seen when she finally reached the final step and got to the living room. She kept walking though, making her way to the library.

But he wasn't there either.

—You shouldn't be here —his tone was serious.

His expression wasn't in sync with the tone of his voice. He sounded annoyed, but he was looking concerned as his eyes wandered over her carefully.

—The doctor said you should get some rest —Jungkook informed her.

—I... I couldn't stay in there —he let him know, eyes dropping to his white socks.

She had known Jungkook for a few months already, but she had always seen him in expensive suits, or well dressed, with his hair always perfectly slicked to his sides. So it was weird to see him in comfortable clothes, with an oversized gray t-shirt and cozy shorts, with his hair completely done, his bangs hiding his forehead -and part of his eyebrow piercing- from her. His eyes softened at the mention of her being unable to stay inside her room, looking at her delicately.

—Well... —he sighed— He also said I should make you eat. So let's try that.

—Isn't it a bit too late to get some food delivered?

—Delivered? —he raised his eyebrow— You don't think I can cook?

Shaking her hands in the air, she tried to explain herself. But Jungkook cut her off before she found any justification to her words. It wasn't like he needed them, he understood what she tried to say.

—Shall we eat in the garden? —he suggested.

Reminded of how she didn't even want to stay inside her room, Jungkook thought that it'd be good for her to just get some fresh air. And it was worth it when he saw the way her eyes shined with his suggestion.

—Is it...? —she stopped for a second after she found herself stumbling her own words— Can we?

—Sure —he nodded—. I'll prepare something, and you can wait outside meanwhile.

Soon that brightness in her eyes was combined with a wide smile, wasting no time as she opened the big sliding door in the kitchen that led to the garden. She had always seen it, looking at it curiously while she had breakfast or lunch, convinced that she'd never experience just hanging out there.

It was chilly outside, although not enough to make her feel cold. And she was sure she'd be able to handle it that day. Even if it was freezing, she was sure that not even that would force her to step back inside. Soon after, she was taking off the long black socks, holding them in her fingers while she felt short grass tickling on the sole of her foot and in between her toes. Probably a bit too into the feeling, to the point of getting lost in it and losing any right perception of time.

Y/n thought it had been seconds since she stepped inside, when it had been twenty minutes since she did. At first, Jungkook looked through the window, her back facing the door, while she stared down at her feet drawing invisible lines on the grass. And he couldn't help but feel guilty. That was the type of freedom she had always talked about, that was the type of freedom she had always aimed for. and not only he took it away from her once, but twice. Although that was probably the most freedom she had ever experienced in her life.

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