Chapter 23:

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Pixl was sat in front of the Vigil, reading a book from the Rivendell Library that the librarian, Peregrina, had begrudgingly allowed him to take back to Pixandria alongside three others. The one he was reading, titled 'Legends: Stories of an age long past(Inter-empire Edition)', had had to be specially authorized to leave the Archive by a member of Rivendell's magic council, Aqa-aga, who had been doing studies on the the book for the past year and a half. 

'My notes are at the front of the book. Please do not touch them, add to them, take them out, or read them.' She had said.

The other three books he had taken home with him were currently sitting in his room on his desk. 'Prophecies of Past, Present, and Future', 'The Houses of Rivendell's Aristocracy(A full guide to Wealthy Rivendell Family Histories' and 'A Complete History of Elves and the Stags'.

Pixl flipped the page, scanning the text. He was reading a story about the Deity of the Dead, who's name, if he could remember correctly, was Vale.

"Pixl?" A call came from the gate to the Vigil Garden. 

"Kelsie, now is not the time." Pix said with a sigh, but he closed the book nonetheless and stood up, pulling his hood over his head and bowing to the Vigil before walking to the gate and stepping out. 

His sister gazed at him and stepped to the side. "I think this is much deserving of your attention." She murmured, turning away and setting off at a brisk pace, her airy sun-poncho floating behind her as she walked, Pixl hurrying after her. 

"I'm assuming you recall the death of her highness, Katherine of House Blossom?" Kelsie began. 

Pix nodded. "May Vale keep her soul and guide her to the Land of Waving Leaves." He said, using the line that all Pixandrians used when speaking of the fallen. 

"Normally, I'd say the same." Kelsie said quietly, pulling her braid over her shoulder. "But I'm afraid that after today, that line will not be used for her." She looked back at him. "You'll understand soon." 

Pix blinked slowly, but shrugged and followed her to the outskirts of the town, spotting the familiar flash of scales. "Lizzie?" He wondered aloud as they went. "Why is she here?" 

As they rounded the corner, he realized it wasn't just Lizzie, but that fWhip and an unfamiliar ginger-haired Oceanfolk was there as well. Both of them were covered in mud and sand, as well as some amount of blood. 

"What happened to you all?" Pix asked, stunned. 

Lizzie turned to him and sighed. "It's too long of a story." She said. "But it's not the bad news that we came here to tell you." She moved to step away, but a voice behind Pixl made all of them (save for Kelsie, who watched with an unreadable expression) jump. 

Pix spun around and immediately almost fell over. "Katherine?!" He yelled, stumbling back and grabbing onto his sister. 

Katherine chuckled, sitting down on a nearby bench. "Hello, Pixl." 

As soon as he had steadied himself, Pixl blinked a few times before staring at her. That was Katherine, yes, but clearly a ghost of herself. You could see the outline of everything behind her. She was wearing a long white tunic and white shoes. A faint glow surrounded her. The only thing out of the ordinary for her was her wings, or lack thereof. 

Other than that, this was Katherine. 

Pixl blinked. "How- how are you here?" He demanded. 

Katherine sighed. "It's a very strange story." She said slowly. 

Pix glanced at fWhip, Lizzie, and the ginger Oceanfolk, all who shrugged. "Go ahead." He said. "We have time." 

Katherine shrugged. "Okay." She said. "Well, when I died, my spirit was forced into my body for a few moments. The last thing I saw was Shelby in a panic. After that, I just sort of....floated for a little bit. I was in the darkness, and then...." She stood up, walking forward. "A light appeared in front of me. It flashed a little, then turned pale green and floated forwards a bit. Once it was a ways away, it flashed brightly and a being made of green light and flowers appeared. It waved to me, pulling me forward." 

Shadows of a Broken Past: A Shard of Faith (Book one)Where stories live. Discover now