Chapter 9:

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"King Scott?" The teal-haired king looked up from his stack of documents. 

"Come in!" The boy stood up and twitched his fluffy white wings and looked towards the door. 

His attendant, advisor and best friend Lauren entered the room. "Hellooooo~" She called, soaring over to him. She landed one knee, bowing before him.

Scott laughed softly. "Lauren, you're my friend, there's no need for that." He said, resting one hand on her galaxy-speckled violet wing, and she rose immediately. 

"I know, but it's a force of habit." Lauren said, smiling at him and pushing a whisp of hair that had fallen from her bun. "And I bring news. The Council of Magic is calling an emergency meeting. I do not know why." 

Scott frowned, and when the door banged open again, he shot into the air with a stern face; but it changed into one of confusion as the Shadow Elf of the Council, Desoto, burst into the room. "My king!" He cried, falling to his hands and knees. 

Scott landed in a run, grabbing Desoto's arms. "Desoto!" He said in both a happy and frantic tone as he held him up, the Shadow Elf leaning heavily on him. His antlers were wreathed in red smoke, and when he looked up his eyes had a red hue to them. "Desoto, what happened?" 

The elf was crying. "He's- save- help- fall-" He stumbled over his words and staggered despite being held up by Scott, flaring his dark gray wings and standing straighter before leaning on him again. 

"Desoto?" Lauren grabbed his arms to steady him. "Desoto, what's wrong?"

"Death- fall- lost-" The elf collapsed and his eyes fluttered shut. As he fell, his wings splayed out and suddenly, a ghost-like form rose from his body, taking on the form of a tall doe wreathed in hazy blue smoke. 

It opened it's mouth and spoke. "The brother named darkness will rise once again to battle the Empires. One who follows will turn away, the other spellbound to follow, captivated by his heart's desire. A dragon killed to set the demon free will rise by the wizard's hand once more. Light will fall to vanquish darkness, secrets revealed in the midst of war." She lowered her head and closed her eyes briefly before reopening them and staring at Scott. 

"Please....tell them...." She whispered before sinking back into Desoto's body with a soft whoosh. 

Scott fell to his knees beside the fallen elf, putting his hands on his shoulders and resting him on his lap, holding him gently. "Lauren, go, send for Galaxya. Everyone else-" he raised his voice, addressing the guards and attendants in the room "-leave us. This is between me, Lauren, Desoto and the Council. Tell no one of what transpired here." He said fiercely. 

Lauren sprang to her feet, soaring out of the room with the guards following, stationing themselves outdoors and in front of the entrances. 

Scoot heaved Desoto up and draped the slightly older elf's arm around his shoulder. He staggered under his weight. the elf was extremely thin, and yet he was still heavier than the young elf king had anticipated. 

"Hang in there, let me get you to my guest room...." He murmured, walking up the stairs. 

Desoto was slipping in and out of consciousness. "S...Scott?" He murmured, his wings drifting slightly upwards but his wingtips still dragging on the floor. "W-what...."

"Shh." Scott shushed him softly. "You'll be okay." Desoto whimpered softly, falling unconscious again. 

Scott laid the elf out on the guest bedroom bed, sitting down beside him. "What happened...." He murmured, rubbing his head. 

"Your majesty." Scott looked up at the sound of Galaxya's voice. The tall Astral Elf bowed quickly before hurrying to Desoto's side, Lauren following her. "What happened?"

"He passed out." All three elves looked at the Shadow Elf, who was laid limply on the bed, the vile red smoke still coiling around his antlers. 

"Well yes, anyone can see that." Galaxya said wryly. 

"He fell unconscious and then this....doe spirit came from him an gave a prophecy. Then she said to 'tell them'." Scott said. 

"What was this....prophecy?" Galaxya asked, eyes glowing with concern. "Can you retell it?"

"I think." Scott said, concentrating. "'The brother named darkness will rise once again to battle the Empires. One who follows will turn away, the other spellbound to follow, captivated by his heart's desire. A dragon killed to set the demon free will rise by the wizard's hand once more. Light will fall to vanquish darkness, secrets revealed in the midst of war.'"

"I see...." Galaxya mused, sitting down. 

As they conversed about the meaning of this strange prophecy, Desoto shifted slightly, waking up again. Scott noticed and rested one hand on the other elf's arm. "Des?" He asked quietly. 

"Scott?" Desoto murmured, still weak. The Shadow Elf's wings fluttered slightly. "What happened?"

Scott took one of his hands. "It's okay now." He promised. "You're safe. You passed out."

"Oh...." The elf coughed softly, sitting up, making the smoke around his antlers catch Galaxya's eye. 

"Desoto, don't move." She said, reaching for the smoke and catching some of it with a small jar. " This will be sent straight to Gemma Night Taylor of Crystal Cliffs." She said, tucking it away. "I'd like her to analyze it."

"Probably for the best...." Desoto said. 

Scott nodded. "I think that's a good idea." He agreed. "But has no one else noticed that Gem's been acting a" He asked. 

"Come to think of it, yes." Lauren piped up. "I thought something was a little fishy when she was here, reading a few books on dark magic."

"While I do see that is strange, she is a wizard and the Headmistress of the academy in her empire. It would be normal for her to be reading books on dark magic and the balance between good and evil." Galaxya said. "So, while it is odd, it's not very good evidence that she's been acting different." 

"And her hair." Lauren continued. "It's got a red streak. Gem never dies her hair."

"Also true." Scott mused. "Hm. I'll keep and eye on her." As they spoke, the irises of Desoto's eyes glowed faint red. 

'Something isn't right here.'



Have another chapter!

All feedback is appreciated. Sorry about the delay, but I promise to get more out soon. 


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