Chapter 13:

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The king looked up from his architecture plans at the call of his name. "Who's there?" He asked, turning to the door. 

The door opened and Sausage smiled. "Hello, Pearl." He greeted, standing up and going over to her. The young Gilded Helanthian queen looked different: instead of her usual flowing, silky pale green dress, she wore a knee-length dark green dress with black leggings and brown boots with a pin-clasped pale green overcoat on her shoulders lined with white fur; her winter attire. She had her weapons strapped to her back as well. 

"Where are you headed?" Sausage asked her. 

"I came here to tell you of my visit to Rivendell. It's diplomatic business." She explained. "I wished to tell you so you're aware of my location." Pearl said.

Sausage frowned, finding it odd that she was speaking so formally. "Pearl...." He murmured, taking one of her hands that the latter was keeping clamped around her waist. She let him hold her hand, and he led her to the window seat. "Is everything okay?" 

Pearl sent him a dumbfounded look. "Yes, why would you think otherwise?" She asked, tilting her head. "I'm perfectly fine, my friend."

Sausage hesitated. "But...."


"You've been distant, old friend." Sausage said. "I haven't spoken to you for a few days, and it worries me." He paused. "You know I care for you." He looked up her. "Right?"

Pearl's blue eyes shone happily. "I know. I care for you too." She said. 

"And you tell me everything?" 

At this, Pearl hesitated. "Unless something that I know would endanger or upset you, yes

The brunette put her finger to his lips. "Don't fear for me." She said, smiling. "I'll be okay."

Sausage smiled back before standing up. "I was planning out a new building beside the coliseum." He said. "I was hoping to have a little connecting village between us. For...." He slipped his free hand in his pocket, feeling the smooth curve of the ring beneath his fingertips. "Future need. Trade routes, you know?"

Pearl laughed a little. "It would make trade between my empire and yours much, much simpler." She agreed. "And it would make that area safer for travel between them at night."

Sausage grinned. "So it's settled? I'll start my team on it right away." He said, spinning the queen around and causing her to gasp and giggle like a young girl. 

"Of course." Pearl nodded, fluttering her wings a little and giving him a quick hug before heading for the door. "I'll see you when I get home from my trip!" 

"Farewell, Pearl!" Sausage called as she left. As soon as she was gone, he sat down with a heavy sigh. 


A few hours later, the Mythlandian king stood up, walking out of the room and poking his head out the door. "Albert? Could you bring me my rockets? I am heading for a quick visit to my brother's." 

The man he spoke to nodded swiftly and bowed before hustling out as Sausage grabbed his things and strapped on his elytra. He secured his weapons and flung a satchel over his shoulders before taking the rockets from his assistant and launching himself from the window. He soared over his empire and smiled, feeling accomplished. 

"I wonder how they're doing...."


"FWHIP!" Sausage yelled into oblivion as he landed with a skid outside his brother's lab. 

Shadows of a Broken Past: A Shard of Faith (Book one)Where stories live. Discover now