Well it's about damn time

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Hank Pym had been prepared to be arrested after seeing his wife again one more time. Ready to be dragged off to a Wakandan prison or sent to the Raft for his crimes. But he hadn't realized just how terrifying that an angry almost-girlfriend could truly be. Especially one with chaos magic.

Wanda's eyes were fixed on Hank Pym as he explained what was going on. She could feel his fear. But it didn't gratify her. All it did was stoke her temper.

When at last he'd finished his explanation she spoke with an eerily calm tone. "So, you sent the person I care for most in the world into a place that only one person has ever returned from. Hoping you'd guessed right that he'd make it back with your wife in tow?"

"I took every precaution available to me" he said, sweat pouring off his face and running down his back like the icy chill of death. "If I'm right there will be nothing to worry about."

No one was even standing near Hank just in case the potential explosion wasn't precise.

But despite Wanda's enraged breathing, Hank was still breathing too. "If he's hurt, if he doesn't come back," she looked Hank dead in the eye. "You'll wish that you'd shrunken an atom bomb and swallowed it. Because I won't let you die. I'll keep you alive and reliving your every fear and worst nightmares. Forcing your body to survive past its limts until you've begged for death for so long that you forget what it is!"

As her threat hung in the air, Scott lost his bladder control and excused himself quietly to the restroom.

Hope didn't say anything. No one did. They all just watched the quantum tunnel in silence.

As Peter flew through the quantum realm he marveled at the beauty of the many different places he passed through. Or rather shrank through.

Some of the beings he flew by made attempts to grab him. Or even outright eat him. But he was able to dodge or fire webbing as he went along.

Peter wondered how long he'd been going. Did time even matter here? How did it pass in this place compared to the world above? Would he come back a hundred years in the future? Or in the past?

He knew that thinking about it too much would drive him crazy. And strangely, he wasn't too worried. Maybe it was shock, or just getting used to crazy things happening to him, but Peter felt like this was just another step on his long journey.

Eventually he reached a place that was somewhere between pure darkness and distorted reality. He passed into it and went beyond. Growing ever smaller as he went.

Peter glanced at his suit. He'd been surprised at the quality they'd managed on such a short notice. Shuri had even worked a spider design into the chest so that it looked more like his usual suit. It even felt like fabric instead of metal. Was this how the Panther suit and Black Cat suit felt?

Random thoughts were flying through his mind until he felt his shrinking slowing down. Using his webs he was able to land more gracefully than he would have otherwise.

Peter took in his new surroundings. The area had been fuzzy at first. Like a pixelated videogame setting. Now it was coming into focus.

"Awesome" he said, nerding out on the situation.

He wished the coms worked so that he could talk to the others and have help finding this lady. All he had to go on was a little machine that detected some sort of signal.

As he started looking around, he felt like an amateur treasure hunter with a metal detector.

"Mrs. Van Dyne! Hello!" he shouted, hoping for an answer even though he knew it was a long shot.

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