Short changed

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T'Challa watched as the Quinnjet landed. Frustrated that his hopes rode on others. He was a king now. The Black Panther. But he could do nothing for Shuri.

With the Herb gone there was no way to simply undo her power. They had to work with what was.

The passengers of the Quinnjet disembarked. Tony led the way out followed by Bruce. With them came Natasha, and then Peter. The Dora Milaje weren't happy to see that someone else had come uninvited.

"What is she doing here?!" Okoye asked.

Wanda could feel the angry and apprehensive thoughts as easily as she could see their owners staring at her.

T'Challa didn't even look at Okoye but responded. "Everyone who is here was invited for good reason. This needed to happen. Wanda is not our enemy. And I doubt that Peter or she would have accepted our request if she were not allowed. Do not forget, we are the supplicants this time."

The tension was still palpable. Peter took Wanda's hand reassuringly. She wished that it had been under different circumstances. Then kicked herself for thinking that way.

He's just being nice, she thought.

Tony shook T'Challa's hand. "Can't tell you how happy we are to be here, your highness. So where's the beach?"

Natasha smacked Tony. "Not the time, Stark."

Okoye realized what her king had meant about everyone being there for a reason. But said nothing.

Bruce made an awkward half bow. Which T'Challa waved away. "That's not how it works here, Dr. Banner. We're indebted to you for coming."

Peter came up to the king and shook his hand as well. "Hello sir, it's nice to meet you."

T'Challa had been watching Peter out of the corner of his eyes from the moment he stepped off the jet.

"I'm very glad that you accepted our request, Mr. Parker. My sister needs your help. If you will follow me I will show you to her lab."

Before turning he took Wanda's hand in both of his and smiled at her warmly. "It is also good to see you, Mrs. Maximoff. We welcome you to Wakanda."

Wanda gave him a tentative half smile before following along.

The group made their way through the palace. Finally stopping at a set of large doors. T'Challa used a biometric scanner to confirm his identity and open them.

Upon entering everyone was taken aback how bad the place looked. Everything was clearly beyond high tech. But it was all smashed and gouged with claw marks.

They weren't alone. Someone was in a cage in the corner.

"How nice to see such friendly faces."

Peter stared at the Goblin. "Why's he in there?"

T'Challa looked at the Goblin with distaste. "I'm afraid you must ask my sister that question. She has yet to give me a coherent answer."

Screeching laughter filled the room. Peter's spidey senses tingled and he whipped his head around to see that Shuri was crouching in the rafters. A Cheshire cat grin on her face.

"Well, well, well. If it isn't my favorite broken white boy" she leapt from the beams and landed neatly in front of Peter.

She didn't look good. Her eyes were changing. Both were nearly identical to a cat's. Her hair was matted and unwashed. Peter's sensitivity allowed him to detect things that the others couldn't. He smelled something. It was...primal. Wild.

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