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Peter Parker wasn't the same. Never had been, and never would be. Certainly not now.

From zero to hero? That's an outright lie. Some of us don't even get lucky enough to start at the bottom. Some of us dig our way up from an underworld that borders on hell. And some of us put ourselves there, or never thought to crawl out at all.

So how did Peter get to be a hero? It began with a field trip to Stark Industries. Unfortunately, Tony Stark didn't have complete ownership of the building. He was engaged in a legal battle with another company for ownership rights. A less lucrative company known as Oscorp.


The bus ride over had been miserable. Talking to Ned didn't really distract Peter enough from the other students. Especially Eugene 'Flash' Thompson. Who was currently throwing chewed gum at him that he'd found under the seat.

Taking a page out of Captain America's book, Peter raised a more physical book up behind his head as a shield.

"Come on, Peter. Just throw it at him" Ned joked, knowing full well that Peter didn't have it in him.

"That would just make him throw it back. Probably covered in more gum. Besides, I'm not strong enough to hit him good anyway."

It was true. Scrawny Peter Parker couldn't have carried a full backpack to save his life. It was hard to be the only child of a poor home where three out of four breadwinners had died in less than ten years. So he didn't get time to exercise. Even if he could, his fragile physique couldn't handle the strain. And with money tight, food was scarce.

Peter tried to console himself with thoughts of earning an honest living once he'd graduated college. If he studied hard maybe he'd even finish early. If he could get scholarships and financial aid to do it at all.

As they reached the building, there was an audible gasp from the few students not engrossed with their phones. The tower was massive. One of the tallest buildings in New York. The signs for both Stark Industries and Oscorp glowed in clashing colors of red and green, like an angry corporate Christmas.

Everyone filed off the bus when it stopped. Passing through the opulent doors into the main lobby. Peter noticed that there was a brief flash of light as they passed in and it nearly blinded him. It wasn't like a camera flash. More like blue and pixelated.

Peter assumed that it had probably been some sort of advanced scanning device. It made sense in a high tech place like this. He wasn't as tech savvy as people assumed. His strength lay in chemistry and biology.

Badges were passed out at the security gate. Each of the students had already been cleared prior by thorough background checks. But their identities were verified by iris scan, fingerprint scan, and cheek swab. Somewhat over the top, but that's Tony Stark and Norman Osborn to a t.

Peter followed along with the tour guide as she pointed out different areas of the building. He was more interested in seeing the labwork but was patient, mostly.

Then, as they were passing by a boardroom, they overheard shouting.

"My company, Stark! Mine! Do you know how much I've sacrificed?!" A gruff, hightoned voice shouted manically.

"You think I care, Osborn?! Take your illegal experiments outta my building. Or did you already forget who's picking up the electric bill with an arc reactor? Not to mention the actual design and construction of the floor you're standing on!" This voice was deeper and yet more abrasive. Though much more composed despite being louder. "And don't forget, the Avengers are all right here. So whatever you're up to keep that in mind. Because I doubt they'll like it."

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