Clean up

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Wanda and Vision were floating by the Chrysler building. Wanda had just finished telling Vision about her life since they'd broken up, minus Peter being Spiderman.

"You still haven't answered my question" Vision said.

"What?" Wanda had been deep in thought when Vision had spoken.

"Are you okay?"

Wanda chuckled sadly. "Not even close. I'm basically on trial for murder."

"That's not what I'm talking about."

"Then what are you talking about? Because I'm pretty sure that's the main problem in my life at the moment."

Vision gazed out at the horizon. "I believe the definition for your situation is being oblivious to a situation that all others around you are painfully aware of" when she looked at him with a confused expression he tried to put it more plainly. "You want something that you don't even know you want. Or rather someone."

"If you're trying to get back together then-" Wanda was cut off as her cellphone rang.

Seeing that the call was from Stark she answered. "Is it already time?"

There was a pause as her face went slack. "He's what?" another pause. "We'll be there." Wanda hung up.

"I'm detecting elevated levels of anxiety in your voice. Is something the matter?"

"We need to get back to the tower, now."

They flew off together.

In the laboratory the Avengers were all arguing heatedly while Shuri and Peter worked frantically.

"Would you all please, shut up!" Shuri shouted, using her kimoyo beads voice amplifier function to be heard over them. "We already told you what happened and there will be time to argue and throw a fit like little children later. For now we need to fix this!" she pointed at the vibrainium cage where Flash was being housed. His body was still grotesquely warped to have reptilian attributes. And despite the fact that he couldn't escape, it hadn't stopped him from continuing to beat at the bars while throwing menacing looks at everyone.

The Avengers went out into the hall to discuss what had happened.

"How could he have been so careless?" Tony asked the room at large.

"He's your intern" Natasha commented.

"Not after this he's not!"

Steve was looking through the glass at the teens working. "It's lucky that Shuri was able to contain it. Without that cage it could've been a lot worse."

Natasha was glaring in the same direction. "If we hadn't sent him there none of this would've been necessary. Now things are going to get even worse."

Bruce was examining a tablet. Scrolling through data from Peter's experiment. "I'd like to know how he did this at all. Maybe that's the answer to Mr. uh" he glanced at the screen. "Thompson's problems" maybe even my own. He thought to himself.

"I don't doubt that's what he's doing right now."

Everyone turned to see Norman Osborn heading for the lab.

Tony pointed at him accusingly. "Did you know about this?!"

"Yes, I did. And I was under the impression that Peter wouldn't take the dose because of the danger inherent to the unfinished product. And before you decide to jump down my throat because of my past mistakes, remember that he was likely only trying to impress the Wakandan princess on your orders."

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