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The deadline for capturing Spiderman was here. The Wakandans were supposed to come to the tower and discuss the situation. If the talks failed then Wanda would be turned over to them as the only surviving responsible party since Toomes was very dead. Everyone was on edge. But none as much as Wanda Maximoff.

She lay in her bed, staring at the ceiling, knowing that there wasn't anything she could do to fix all of this. Not without turning Peter in and blaming him. But she didn't want to do that. It wasn't his fault and she liked him too much to do it even if it had been.

After hours of wishing for a solution or sleep, Wanda decided that she wasn't going to spend what was probably her last day of freedom miserable and alone. So she got dressed and went to find the one person she wanted to spend her time with.

Peter was working with Osborn willingly to distract himself from the impending politics despite the hour. He was getting used to the man. His fits were almost manageable and seemed farther apart recently. Perhaps he really was making improvements.

Entering the lab, Wanda went over to where Peter was working besides Norman. "Hey, Pete, can I talk to you?"

Peter looked up. Wanda didn't really call him Pete very often. "Sure, I'll see you later, Mr. Osborn!"

"See you later, Peter" Norman called after him.

Peter followed Wanda out into the hall. "What's up?"

"You know what's up, Peter. I'm waiting for the witch hunt."

He scowled. "You're not a witch, you're going to be fine. I won't let anyone hurt you."

She took a shaky breath. "I hope you're right. I need to ask you a favor."

"What is it?"

"Vision is coming today and I need you to stay close so that things don't get... awkward."

Peter knew about Wanda and Vision's brief relationship. But he'd never asked her for any details. He figured that she'd talk about it if she wanted to or not at all.

"Sure, just warn me if something's about to happen. If you two, you know, want to work it out-"

Wanda shook her head. "I'm asking you to be there because I need a buffer. If something's about to happen I'll let you know. Just don't swing out of there, intervene."


"I'll let you know."

Peter didn't like the sound of that.

Wanda hated to put him in this position. But she didn't know of anyone else she trusted enough to do this.

They spent some time in the living room watching old movies. Wanda didn't feel invested in them but was glad of the distraction. And Peter's commentary was amusing.

Halfway through their second film it was time for breakfast. The whole team was together. Though subdued. Not even Tony felt like cracking jokes.

Finally, they got up to leave for school when they were stopped by Steve and Natasha.

"I don't think it's a good idea for you to go to school today, Wanda" said Steve.

Wanda clenched her fists. "Why not? It's not like I'll have any more time to spend there, is it?"

Natasha stepped forward and put a hand on her shoulder. "We're not forbidding it, exactly. But there's going to be a visitor at the school and we think it's best if you aren't there when they come."

"Who?" asked Peter.

"The princess of Wakanda; Shuri."

Peter was confused. "Why's the princess of Wakanda coming to a high school?"

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