Trust issues

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Aunt May was helping Peter get thorns out of his...everywhere.

"I still don't get it. How did you land in a rosebush in Queens?" she asked him.

Peter tried not to lie. "Wanda and I were at a garden and she accidentally dropped me on one" technically she'd thrown him into a dumpster by sheer chance after he'd fallen into said rosebush.

"If she's that strong then you'd better be careful, Peter."

Peter was tempted to laugh. Aunt May had no idea just how 'strong' Wanda really was.

"What about this?" Aunt May poked at a set of bad scratches on his side where the Goblin had slashed him. It was still raw but had healed enough to be less difficult to explain.

"Was that Wanda too?! If it was then I'd hate to see the hickeys she'd give!"

Peter winced and pulled his shirt down to cover his side. "That was"

"A cat?"

"Y-yeah, a big black cat! I was taking a short cut home through an alley and it jumped out and attacked me! It wouldn't leave me alone."

May gave him a disbelieving look. "Peter, if Wanda's getting a little... rough, with you, just tell her. She seems like a nice girl and-"

"What are you-! That's not what's happening, May! Jeez!"

Aunt May tried not to laugh at his reaction. "Whatever you say, Peter."

"I'm going to go hangout with Ned. I'll see you later!" Peter said as he headed out the door.

Back at the tower there was a major commotion. Wanda had carried in Norman Osborn and he was laying in the cradle. Helen Cho was trying and failing to find anything wrong with him physically. While some of the Avengers waited to hear the results.

"He's actually in incredible health considering" she glanced at Wanda. "You say that he fought Spiderman and won?"

Wanda shuddered as she recalled the incident. If she hadn't thrown Peter out of there anything could've happened. "Not exactly. But he was definitely getting close to it. He almost had him but Spiderman escaped into the city. I found Mr. Osborn unconscious in an alley."

"Were there any signs of damage?" Dr. Cho asked.

"Not a scratch. I think...well I don't really know what happened" which was true. Wanda had no idea what was going on.

Bruce came back from his lab. "Well I think I can shed a little light on the subject" he gazed down at Norman. "Osborn had a literal taste of his own medicine."

Steve looked grim. "The serum?"

Bruce nodded absently while he examined the cradle's readings. "Guess he was serious about wanting to feel strong. Not that I have room to talk."

"There's a difference between being lied to about what you're working on and taking something without understanding what it could do to you" Steve said.

"Captain Hypocrite, ladies and gentlemen!" Tony said.

"What I did was different. I wanted to serve my country, and it was the only way. Osborn was only serving himself."

"I seem to recall you saying something along those lines about me once. Around an hour before I flew through a wormhole with a nuke in my hands to stop an alien invasion. So, will history repeat itself and prove the fossil wrong?"

"I certainly h-hope it does."

They all looked down to see that Norman was awake. He stared up at them with a crooked grin on his face. "What, no flowers?"

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