Chapter 1

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It was the aroma of my blatant disregard for anything sensory that my environment had to offer as I laid lifeless in bed. Long hours at work drained my spirit and heat-soaked my energy. Even though I was a well-paid licensed psychologist, my depleted carcass only craved one thing. Rest and relaxation in bed is the highlight after donating twelve hours a day of my life in the workforce. All of the dreams I have, diminish and become forgotten from my memories before I even rise to reality. Contrarily, I had a fondness of helping others be heard and offer my expert advice in return.

The sun was just almost sinking into the border to the hells of the world. I was disturbed and woken up to my wife pulling my pants off. My seducer took her time to straddled me. Her luscious hair was loose. It was cut straight across at the level of her shoulders. It hung forward to keep her face secret. Only her eyes, from what I could see, were held tightly shut. Being on my back meant even more enjoyment for me. If this was a dream, I hope never to wake up from it; only to have a nightmare. She leaned back until her head was no longer visible to me. Her hands held onto both of her breasts with the grip of the forbidden fruit in hand. In the moment, she rubbed and caressed them as she milked arousal. Returning from her position, she leaned to kiss me with fiery. Each exhale was trailed with a soft moan. It was the moan that was gentle, but intense. We were like teenagers fucking after prom night; trying not to get caught by our parents. Hair dragged back and forth across my eyes as I felt my neck being nibbled, sucked, and bitten. She was lowering herself even more as her sensitivity heightens. The brushing of breasts moved across my face. I wanted to take one of her breasts into my mouth, but the arrival of climax was a distraction. My hands rose from the depths of the sheets and attached themselves on her considerably full bottom. She was riding me like an equestrian. I pulled her harder towards me as if Newton's first law of motion were at work. I drove myself harder into her. She was whining with pleasure. Unknowingly, she dug her nails below my skin's surface. Streaks engraved and decorated my chest. The pain I endured hurt so good. Again and again she would climax. The milky fluids leaking out from her body, polished my penis like carnauba wax as she continued to service it. Without any hints or warnings, I grabbed hold of her and turned the tables on our antics. My wife was now laid out on her back while I picked up her legs to reintroduce myself inside of her. I wasted no time by bear-hugging her legs in the upright position. Her limbs were now parallel to my body. Each blow I gave her was followed by her howling. The innocence of her moans converted into relentless whining. I was almost there as she was too— again. I kissed the backs of her shins as my movements intensified. The last stretch of euphoria could be detected. It was like a barrage of fireworks followed by the show's finale when the feeling of exhilaration occurred. I shouted when I came. It was the feeling of a 12-gauge shotgun shooting its round and killing the target. My wife was snorting, trying to say something. She was telling me to stop. She had reached her peak a second and a third time. Her body could not take anymore. We disengaged; shaking and trembling. The both of us met side-by-side, gasping for air, while sweat bathed us. The odor of passion elongated and touched every crevice of our bedroom.


Five, six, or maybe seven different dishes were served for dinner. Baked chicken, grilled shrimp, red beans and rice, mashed potatoes, and baked macaroni and cheese, just to name a few. The crystal chandelier, over the dining table, glamorized and highlighted each delectable dish. Light that refracted from the chandelier, danced and tickled the walls of the dining room. The ambrosial scents tugged and plucked the strings of my heart. I was being divided into many directions. I was too much in awe to know where to start. The table we sat at was square in shape and made for four occupants to dine. It had been with us for as long as I can remember. The surface had the face of the ripples in the ocean as if all those lines were well-earned wrinkles. It had the sort of brown hue that welcomed the eye and invited the hand to touch. Ironically, it was only my wife, daughter, and I. My daughter, Cadence, was currently away at college studying interior design. As a result, the two of the chairs remained vacant.

My wife, Jada, was everything I could ever want in a woman. All my years not knowing her existence was a waste. She was a gift from God that was hand delivered to me on a leap year. Custom-made for me and not easily duplicated. It would be impossible to be half the man I am without Jada by my side. Her beauty, personality, and our bond was immaculate. Her skin was autumn-brown and had the smoothness of maple syrup as it pours onto thick pancakes. Every time I looked into her eyes, it was like looking through windows that led to paradise. Jada's body had a curved contour. It was of an hourglass, but one end held more sand than the other had capacity for. Our bond is timeless.

While looking at the various assortments of delectable cuisines, I asked, "Baby, were you in the mood or what?"

"Maybe it's the way you persuaded me. That tongue of yours speaks volumes," she said smiling, while slowly adjusting her hair to the back of her ear.

"Are you ready to get busy?" I inquired.

"Mmmmhmmm! I'm so hungry and I wonder why, sir." Jada responded sarcastically.

I reached out to hold her hands and in unison, we bowed our heads.

"Lord God, Heavenly Father, bless us and these gifts which we receive from your bountiful goodness. The eyes of all look to you, O Lord, and you give them their food at the proper time. You open your hand and satisfy the desires of every living thing. Please fill us with your greatness as we consume the gifts you have given us today and in the future, through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen," I expressed gratefully. 

At last we ate and drank. We packed our bellies as if we were packing luggage for an extended vacation. Dish after dish and drink after drink we indulged the night away. Jada and I talked and laughed as the abundance of entrees diminished down our soon-to-be swollen bodies. It was enough food to park an elephant in place for hours. 

As the night's hours progressed and the early morning hours arriving, sleepiness was settling in. The remnants of dinner raced through each vein I possessed like a nascar raceway. It was almost a formality that I go out for a run that lasted for no longer than three hours. Jada was already accustomed to my routine after dinner that has been in effect for a couple of years now. She was always anxious when I left the house so late. I was always reminded, for as long as I can remember, about the news broadcasting warnings of kidnappings and random slain bodies found dismembered about the community. My constant reassurance of my safety always made her worries subside—

The route I usually jogged made an immense circle around my neighborhood. It also hugged a lake. There was a thick patch of dense forest that was a part of my itinerary. Day or night, the ghastly hollows deterred the community from entering or exploring its mysterious and obscured innards. You may hear the gentle gurgling stemming from the nearby water and the whispers from the swaying tree limbs. No one is willing to jeopardize their lives after the unfortunate current events. The sun was the only thing that could shed any kind of light in the sticks. At the most, it would make polka-dots on the ground to brightened up dead tree trunks where fungus grows like dinner plates for the creatures inhabiting its sanctuary.

Beyond that, was my preferred place to rest. The famous Ron T. Walton park was my favorite stop. There was nothing special about it. However, viewing the water from the lake, at night, was serene. The water's edge harbored smooth, oval rocks that lined the bank. Broken and forgotten logs littered the area like Dixie cups from a house party. If you were lucky, you might have a meet-and-greet with one or two deer. 

As my run almost coming to an end, I made sure to check my surroundings carefully. The night's shadows could harbor shady characters and I have a promise to Jada to uphold. I continued to jog into the seemingly impenetrable forest. There was no more than eight minutes' worth of running and maneuvering until I came across a medium-sized shed. It was exhausted in appearance. The previous dull red paint loitered and dragged downward towards the forest floor. Abandoned in nature; it was long forgotten. It has been a long period of time since it had any human encounters. The panting caused by the running was softening. I searched for a key in my pocket that could be used to open the door of the shed. With a swift turn to the right, the lock was disengaged. The door took a considerable amount of force to open because of the structure having a slight lean to it. As the door opened, darkness came like the thick velvet curtains of the theatre. It was as if the night had been one part of a play and the rest was to come after this intermission of void. I was peeking into the universe.

To the right of the opening, there was a light switch fixed on the wall. Moving it upward, the flickering of electricity moved through three incandescent light bulbs like blood traveling through veins. After shedding light in the room, a woman, in the fetal position, appeared. She was petrified and nervous to see me. Her hands were restrained, just like her feet. Both were connected by a chain that was bolted onto heavy-duty burglar bars that covered the only small window in the shed. She had her mouth covered with a scarf that was wrapped up with duct tape. It was a struggle and a battle to keep her calm and tamed. With worry written all over her face, she watched every movement I made. I could not blame her for her actions, especially when I was the one who put her here for her demise.

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