❄️A frozen Alfred❄️

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•4983 Words•
•Translations at the bottom•
•Idk who made the art above but AlienAtYourDoor posted it on reddit•

America was chilling on his couch in his house watching tv with Tony after eating some dinner, then he gets a notification from England asking if he could call.
He replied 'sure dude!!' thinking about how he hasn't spoken to him since the last World meeting, which was three days ago, but that doesn't matter.

America gets the call a minute later, he sits up and answers,
"Hey man! What's up?"
"Hello America, I was thinking, you should join me and France for a walk? We've been doings some recently and it's been a great bonding time!" England asks.
"A walk? Dude it's the middle of winter! It's freezing out!" America retorts.
"Oh quit being dramatic, it's not that bad! And plus, you do need the exercise." England teases.
"What?! No I don't!"
"Sure, sure.."
"Fine.. it's just a walk. Sure I'll join you too."
"Great! Be at ********* trail at 7:00 and bring some water!" England yells.


"Wait trail? I thought it was just a walk in the park or something!"
Great, he hung up...
"Well might as well get changed!"
He says as he stands up from the couch. It was currently 5:34pm so, he had sometime to get ready, pack some water and snacks, and then get to the place. It was only 15 minutes away so he should get there in time. America was thinking about what he said, he really wasn't fat, actually he was quite fit. He didn't eat that many burgers... ok, maybe he did, but it was at meetings when he didn't have time to cook breakfast, and meetings were only every so often. Almost everyone was still in Canada's country after a World meeting, some people left right after, others like America, England and France were still there.

America got to the trail park with a couple minutes to spare and he saw France's car parked there so, he decided to park next to him. The sun had set when he first left the hotel he was staying at. When he got out he went over to France's car to see if he was in there, but there wasn't, he decided to go to the entrance and saw both England and France standing there.

Seems like France picked him up.

America got onto the sidewalk and waved to them.
"Hey guys!"

They both look up France rolls his eyes, turns to England, saying something to him while England waves back.

"Hey America, early for once?" England teases, again.
"Yeah I guess so, it looks pretty dark out there, are you guys sure about this?" America looks towards the trail they're going to walk, in looks like one of those horror movie corridors, except with really thick and tall trees.
"Yes, we've walked this 1 hour trail before, it's really relaxing. Although, we haven't gone at night.." France says as he also looks at the creepy entrance.
"1 HOUR??" America looks back at France then to England who looks away with wide eyes.
"Well! Lets get started shall we!!" England says trying to change the conversation by walking away to the entrance gate and opens it with a creak.
"You didn't tell him it was an hour?" France asks.

Ten minutes into the trail it starts to snow a little and America is hugging himself trying to get away from the cold, he really should have dressed warmer.
He had a thick t-shirt with a winter jacket he got as a gift from Canada, but the jacket has gotten a bit small because that was three years ago. He also had winter gloves on and some thick jeans on with boots. There were some lights in the trail but they were dim and some of them didn't even work. England and France both had a flashlight but America didn't because he didn't think to bring one.

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