Swinging Our Worries Away

Start from the beginning

Taking the grapes juice box in hand, which Moon favored, Sun gladly sipped from it.

A cat was yet to come around, but they could be patient. The fresh air was pleasant, and the distant noise of laughing children was alluring in a sense, especially in the golden glimmer of streetlights.

"Hey, Sun," You call, leaning over your knees. "I was thinking of getting you a tablet,"

Sun mimicked you, tilting their head in confusion. "Tablet?" They ask. The confusion suddenly turned almost sheepish as he gave a small smile. "We... can't read,"

This, in fact, was not okay. Everyone deserves the ability to attend school, to learn, to understand. This wasn't a want, it was a need that no one should have the right to deprive them of. How could they attend their own life if they can't read? People will take advantage of that.

Keeping your expressions even, you continue. "Well, this is why I wanted to get it. You see, I wanted to sign you and Moon in some classes. Like homeschooling." Elaborating on your words, you watch carefully for their reaction. Anyone would want this, but you didn't want to push regardless of what "anyone" would want. Sun and Moon might not want this, not at this time, at least. To this, you add, "Anytime you are ready, of course. I'll get the tablet so you could familiarize yourself with it, but the classes could wait if you so wish."

Sun's rocking had increased, even with their leg in the way. If Sun could stand, you'd say he'd never stand still. Which, in their current situation, must be agonizing.

And, no matter how much they tried to mask the excitement from their face, the gentle look over yours made it so hard to. Excitement surged through their body in waves only to be cut short as their leg halts their rocking. With a yelp, Sun stumbles down backward in his haze, latching a hand over the metallic holders as his upper shoulders touch the grass below.

You tense and move to their side. Though, before you could even utter a word out in worry, Sun laughs loudly. Dangling with his legs still over the swing, the blond couldn't help but giggle out at the silly accident. Perhaps it was the excitement he had just a few seconds ago, but Sun didn't care. He just laughed, letting go of his hand to fully rest his upper body on the ground.

The tension left your shoulders, sighing softly at the sight, and sitting crosslegged beside their head. Their laugh was infectious, earning a chuckle from you. "You— You seem like someone who enjoys tickling." You say, wiggling your fingers playfully.

Sun snorts, huffing a laugh as he tries to speak. "M-Maybe,"

Leaning when the other makes no move to stop you, you drum your fingers over their sides. A squeaky gasp left them, squirming in place as a bubbly laugh escaped them. An almost hysterical giggle kept getting louder as you shifted closer. The smile over your face stretched to a grin, feeling Sun's hands halfheartedly push at yours.

"You are a giggly little gremlin, huh?" You tease, letting them take in a breath. You didn't want to overwhelm them, even if their laughter seemed to lift a weight off of your shoulders.

Sun lets out a few lasting giggles, heaving in a breath. A smile adorned his face as he wiggled slightly in place, legs still sported over the swing.

Sneaking your hands close again, you give them just enough time to protest if they didn't want to before you started again, running the tips of your fingers over their sides. The laughter started once more, breathy and loud, seeming to burn every anxious thought in their mind.

Your heart melted at the genuine sound, feeling a weight being lift from your heart, if just for a second. And, as the children laughed in the background alongside Sun, you could let this moment stretch a little further. You could let those few hours be devoured of any anxiety and worry—

My Baby (Sun/Moon x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now