|28|: Care/خیال

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"Hey bud. Go home and relax. I'll look into everything."

Subhan shook his head and leaned his head back on the chair.

"If what you say turns out to be true, than I'll stop at nothing to seek justice for my brother's death. And whoever did this, better be prepared for hell."

Staring at her phone, specifically at the message she sent him two days ago, she sighed. He hasn't replied her back. Doubts circulated in her mind. What if I went overboard? What he must be thinking of me? Does he think I'm clingy or desperate?

Those questions were eating her sanity. She hasn't talked to him in two days. Worry was settling deep in her chest. She was scared for him. That dream was still imprinted in her mind. It wasn't leaving her head even for a bit. And not having any contact with Subhan made her worries to increase ten folds. A knock at her door broke her chain of thoughts.

"Bhabhi. What are you doing here?"

Confusion sprawled over her face as she heard her question.

"Bhai is downstairs."

Shock and surprise over took her features and she found herself at a loss of words. Mehreen left the room while she stood there.

He was here.
After many days, he was home.

Her feet stay rooted to the floor as she got this sudden hesitation to face him. Moreover, she was also embarrassed of the little stunt she played. Gathering herself, she descended the stairs. There he was in all his glory lounging onto the couch. There was no one except him. Everybody must have met him before which made her wonder how long it's been since he arrived. He was leaning on the sofa, head resting on the back of the couch. He looked peaceful that she decided to just go back in her room. She turned but stopped when she heard his deep voice

"Come here, Pheonix." She closed her eyes at her futile attempt of running away. Slowly facing him, she found him already staring at her and that too very intently. She gulped as breathing become difficult for her.

"Come here sit." He patted the empty space beside him. She ever so slowly walked to him and settled at a safe distance from him. His voice sounded strange to her.

"Why were you running away?" His question made her head whipped in his direction. He was again back to closing his eyes again while she stared at him.

"I wasn't".

Her answer was just a little whisper. She wondered if he even heard her. For a long moment, there was silence, only sound audible was their breathing.

"You look tired."

She finally said after she assessed the stiffness of his muscles and the hum he let out after her confession. She felt bad for him. He overworks himself a lot.

"You should rest."

She said to him. He finally opened his eyes which were bloodshot red. Worry settled in her form. He was not just tired, he looked exhausted too. His face was lacking the normal nonchalance he had and for some reason, he looked older somehow. Like all the burdens were thrown at him at once.

"Don't look at me like that. I'm fine."

His looked anything but fine. Safa was so lost in taking in his form that she didn't realize when he closed the distance between them. She gasped as he ran his finger on her eyebrows drawing them apart. His touch was so soothing. Like air. Soft and gentle.

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