|28|: Care/خیال

Start from the beginning

"You should be at home and resting."

The angry expressions on Altamash's face betrayed the concern in his voice.

"I have to meet you first. I haven't even told anyone about my arrival."

Altamash huffed, but took a seat at the couch.

"What exactly happened?"

Subhan leaned back in his chair as his head throbbed mildly. The medicines were strong and he wanted nothing but to lay down in bed and sleep for a week or so. But this is important.

"Mehr,I told you about her. She went missing. I was driving back to the shelter home when we encountered those thugs...."

"And you think it was intentional."

Altamash completed for him. Nodding at him, he sighed. This was so messed up. Why would he be attached like that? There is no possible explanation.

"We should look into it." He gauged the expression that decorated Altamash's face. He looked lost in thoughts.

"Your facial expressions scream trouble."

Those dark eyes darted to him and he said

"What if it's some planning?"

Confusion marred Subhan's features as he heard him.

"What do you mean?"

He asked for more explanation. Something tells him he will be going home with a blasting headache.

Just fantastic.

"Ever since you replaced your brother, things have been haywire. First, those photographs and this. It seems like a pattern."

When he puts it that way, Subhan can't help but ponder over it. He seems right.

"I think its going for much longer than you think."

Subhan's eyebrows raised his confusion.

"What if Hammad Bhai's accident wasn't an accident?"

Coldness sweeps deep in his bones when he heard him say that. Fury build in his heart and his fist curled up so tight, his knuckles turned white.

"It was a robbery incident." He gritted out.

"That's what the police said. Do you really think that's what happened?"

Subhan closed his eyes. Memories haunts him of his brother's lifeless body. How cold his hands were when he touched them. Sadnesses, grief and anger all at once boiled inside of him.

"And they said his car was found on a deserted road near highway. What was he even doing there?"

The more Altamash spoke, the greater Subhan's anger grew. If whatever he is saying is true...then hell is about to get loose.

"What do you want me to do?"

Subhan gritted out. He was boiling like a lava.

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