Chapter 9: A " Bestest Friend "? ( Short )

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A few days have passed, and Mimic started becoming more expressive than they were when they first arrived in Beach City. Mimic was holding the new human device Steven got them, a " phone ", and was walking to the temple as Steven had sent them a text saying that he had a surprise for them. Mimic was also wearing a new outfit, which was made up of, rainbow colored fingerless gloves, red and blue striped yoga pants, a purple sleeveless shirt with a yellow star on it, a white sleeveless vest, and a pink flower in their hair, which the flower was a gift from Volleyball.

Mimic: ( to self as they were standing outside the door while glaring at their phone: ) Even after Pearl explained the purpose of these things, I still fail to see the point of having it.

Mimic then heard the voice of the gem that was with the diamonds when they met them a few days ago, who's name Mimic was told to be " Spinel ".

Spinel: Are you sure this is a good idea, Steven?

Steven: Yes, I'm sure. Trust me, Spinel, if what Garnet told me is true, and it most likely is, everything will turn out great.

Spinel: What did Garnet tell ya exactly, St-

Mimic opened the door and walked inside, they looked at their cousin and the pigtailed gem with a raised brow.

Steven: ( happily: ) Oh, Mimic, you came!

Mimic: Yeah, what's-

Spinel stretched and springed herself to Mimic with a smile, surprising them.

Mimic: Oh my!

Spinel: Hi!

Mimic: Uh, hello.

Steven: Mimic, you remember Spinel.

Mimic: Yeah, she was with the diamonds when they visited and she thought my powers were cool.

Spinel: ( nervously chuckles ) ( nervously: ) Yeah, I kinda wanted to get to know ya better, sense you seem pretty cool and all...

Mimic: ( blushed slightly ) Oh, well... Thanks? ( to Spinel: ) You're quite expressive, huh? That's pretty cool.

Spinel: Aww shucks.

Steven: How about you show Spinel around and introduce her to Volleyball, Mims? I'm sure you two will get along great.

Mimic: ( to Steven: ) Steven Quartz Cutie-pie DeMayo Diamond Universe, what are you planning and what did Garnet tell you...

Spinel struggled to not burst into laughter from hearing Mimic say Steven's full name.

Steven: ( thoughts: ) Why did the gems tell Mimic my full name? ( to Mimic, isn't doing a good job at lying: ) She just told me that you, Volleyball, and her would be great friends, that's all.

Mimic: ( to Steven, without blinking: ) Uh-huh. Steven, I know you are lying, but I know I will find out what you are hiding, one way or another. ( to Spinel, politely: ) Please follow me, Miss Spinel.

Mimic and Spinel walked out of the temple and Steven sighed in relief.

Steven: ( to self, honestly: ) I might never get used to Mimic not blinking.


That's it for this chapter, I hope you like it

Feel free to comment on what you think Garnet told Steven about Volleyball, Mimic, and Spinel.

Till next time my agents of mischief 😜

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