Chapter 5: A New " Friend "? ( Short )

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It was the next day and Volleyball arrived at Amethyst's Liberty class and sat down with the rest of the class, but as soon she sat down she saw the gem hybrid " Mimic " walk to the class, Mimic had a blank expression on their face but they were mentally panicking inside their head, Mimic's blank expression unsettled some of the gems in the class, but Volleyball found it cute how different Mimic was.

Amethyst: Hello, I'm Professor Amethyst. Today we have a new student joining us in class, everyone this is Mimic, as their name implies they can only communicate by mimicking voices of others, so don't freak out.

Mimic just gave a small wave " hello " with a blank expression to everyone.

Amethyst: Go on, take a seat wherever.

Mimic sat down beside Volleyball as the class started.

Amethyst: I'll be teaching " How to decide stuff for yourself 101 ". Today's lesson is... there is no lesson, just do whatever you want for an hour.

Amethyst then left to go somewhere, leaving the class by themselves, and Mimic began thinking to themselves.

Mimic: ( thoughts: ) I fail to see how this is going to help any of us with learning how to do things for ourselves.-

Volleyball: ( to Mimic: ) Are you alright, Mimic? You've been sitting there unblinkingly for five minutes.

Mimic snapped out of their thoughts and saw that everyone besides Volleyball had left to do something.

Volleyball: I didn't want to leave you here by yourself, given what happened two days ago.

Mimic blushed out of embarrassment, before giving Volleyball a thumbs up in response.

Volleyball: Oh, that's good to hear. Do you want to walk around the school with me?

Mimic blushed before nodding their head " yes " in response.

Volleyball: Are you alright, Mimic? Your face is all red?

Mimic just gives a thumbs up in response. Mimic then followed Volleyball as they began walking around the school, there was a long moment of silence due to Volleyball trying to figure out what to say that Mimic would be able to answer, while Mimic was thinking to themselves with a blank expression.

Volleyball: ( finally breaks the silence ) So, Mimic, I've never seen a gem with abilities like yours, it must be incredible to be able to mimic the powers of other gems, even if it's temporary.

Mimic blushed in response before making the " sorta " hand gesture, they then sensed something watching the two of them, which made Mimic quickly make the " turn around " hand gesture, as they didn't trust the feeling that something was watching them.

Volleyball: Oh, you're right, we should be walking back, so either of us would be late for our next class.

Mimic nods their head in response. The two began heading back, the camera stayed and zoomed into the shadows to reveal that a white and gray, wolf-like creature with a gem, that looked exactly like Mimic's, on its right shoulder was hiding in the shadows, revealing that it was the thing that was watching the two. The creature growled silently before it's fur and it's gem turned dark pink, and it shrinked itself down to a very tiny size and took off.


That's it for this chapter, I hope you like it

Feel free to comment on any theories you might have on Mimic and what kind of gem you think they might be.

Till next time my agents of mischief 😜

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