Chapter 2: The Temple and Little Homeworld

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Mimic was sitting on the couch as Steven and the crystal gems were talking.

Steven: You don't know what kind of Gem Mimic is either, Pearl?

Pearl: No. I've never seen a gem that's cut into that shape or color, let alone with the ability to mimic voices. It's too light to be a moonstone, or snowflake obsidian.

Steven: What about you, Garnet?

Garnet: Nope.

Steven: Maybe if we see what else Mimic can do-

Hearing this, Mimic touched Bismuth's arm with their left hand, confusing Steven and the gems as to what they are doing.

Bismuth: What are you-

Mimic's gem slowly started turning from gray with ivory white speckles to the colors of Bismuth's gem, and their hair and skin turned from their original colors to the color of Bismuth's hair and skin. They then shape-shift their right hand into a hammer and turn it back to normal. Once Mimic removed their hand from Bismuth's arm, it took five minutes for them and their gem to turn back to their normal colors. After a few minutes of silence from what just happened, Steven broke the silence.

Steven: ( to Pearl: ) Anything?

Pearl: Only more confusion, as I have never even heard of a gem being able to do that!

Peridot: Maybe they're part of a discontinued gem?

Steven: A discontinued gem?

Pearl: A discontinued gem is a kind of Gem that Homeworld no longer makes, but how would that be possible? The diamonds have shattered any remaining of the discontinued gems.

Steven: Maybe Mimic knows what kind of Gem they are-

Mimic quickly shakes their head " nod " in response.

Steven: Oh, you don't know what kind of Gem you are either, Mimic?

Mimic nods their head with a blank expression.

Amethyst: Can you tell us what you were doing standing at the entrance of Little Homeworld?

Mimic just shrugs their shoulders in response.

Bismuth: Wait, you don't- Do you even know where you are?

Mimic shakes their head " no " in response, shocking Steven and the gems, also making them look at Mimic in concern.

Steven: Well, you're in Beach City. Do you have anywhere to go?

Mimic thinks for a moment, as if they were trying to remember something, but they shake their head " no " in response.

Bismuth: Mimic can stay in Little Homeworld, there's always room for more gems there. Plus, maybe someone there might have an idea what kind of gem Mimic is.

Steven: ( to Mimic: ) Is that okay with you, Mimic?

Mimic nods their head with a blank expression.

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