Chapter 1: New Face In Beach City ( short )

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It was a normal day in Beach City, well, sorta normal. Bismuth walked to the entrance of Little Homeworld as she was hearing whispers from the gems at Little Homeschool whispering about someone blankly standing at the entrance. When she got there she saw what looked like a human with gray hair and pale skin, standing outside the entrance with a blank expression and their arms to the side.

 When she got there she saw what looked like a human with gray hair and pale skin, standing outside the entrance with a blank expression and their arms to the side

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Bismuth: Hey, are you lost?

The " human " glanced at Bismuth before opening their mouth to speak.

" Human " ( Mimic ): ( mimicking Bismuth's voice: ) " Hey, are you lost? "

Bismuth was in complete shock to hear her own voice come out the mouth of the human standing in front of her.

Bismuth: Alright... Um, stay here, I'm going to get someone, just don't move.

As soon as Bismuth left to get someone, the " human " continued staying in front of the entrance with a blank expression, unblinkingly, and not even moving an inch.

( An Hour later )

Steven and Amethyst went to the entrance of Little Homeworld with Bismuth, as she had told them about what the " human " did.

Bismuth: I'm not kidding, she, uh, he? Anyway the kid mimicked my voice completely.-

When they got to where the " human " was, Bismuth saw that they hadn't moved an inch from when she left.

Bismuth: They haven't moved, and I don't think they are blinking.

Amethyst: They seem like a normal human to m-

" Human " ( Mimic ): ( turns to them with a blank expression  ) ( mimics Bismuth's voice: ) " Hey, are you lost? "

Amethyst: Nevermind.

Steven noticed something on the back of the " human " standing in front of them.

Steven: Hold on... ( to the " human ": ) Is it okay if I take a look at what's on your back..?

The " human " shrugs their shoulders, and Steven walks behind them and sees that they had a gray crescent moon shaped gem on their back in between the shoulder blades.

Steven: ( his eyes widened ) Guys, they're a half gem, like me!

Bismuth: What?!

Amethyst: Let me see.

Amethyst and Bismuth then went to Steven and saw the gem on the person's back.

Amethyst: Woah, no way.

Bismuth: But, where did she, or he...? ( to the " human ": ) I don't mean to be rude, but... Are you a boy or girl?

" Human " ( Mimic ): ( just gives Bismuth a thumbs up in response )

Bismuth: That didn't- Nevermind. We should probably take them to Pearl, she might know what kind of Gem the kid is.

Steven: Wait, you guys don't know what their gem is?

Amethyst: Nope, I've never seen a gem with a gem with that coloring or gem shape like this, ( gestures to the " human " 's gem ) before.

" Human " ( Mimic ): ( mimics Bismuth's voice: ) " What?! "

Amethyst: Or heard of a gem that can do that.

Steven: Okay...

Steven then walked in front of the hybrid and looked at them with a smile.

Steven: Hey, I'm Steven. Are you okay with following us, um...

Mimic: ( picks up a nearby stick and wrote " Mimic " in the dirt, before pointing to it )

Steven: " Mimic "? Is that your name?

Mimic nods their head with a shrug in response.

Bismuth: Well, it's nice to meet you, Mimic.

Amethyst: Let's get them to the temple before the kid's blank stare freaks out of the Homeschool gems. Hopefully Pearl knows what kind of gem Mimic is.

Steven: ( to Mimic: ) Is that okay with you?

Mimic just shrugs their shoulders in response. They began following Steven, Bismuth, and Amethyst, blankly with their arms crossed.


That's it for this chapter, I hope you like it

Till next time my agents of mischief 😜

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