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You groaned, fluttering your eyes open and looking at the monitor in your room. The Monokubs appeared on the screen, and you guaranteed something important was gonna happen.


Monosuke spoke next, "We dropped off some presents in your rooms, so make sure to check those out."

"So long, bear well!" They said their signature line, then the monitor flashed off.

You slowly rose from your bed, rubbing your eyes lazily. Present...What did they mean by present? Was it more junk? You looked at the table in your room, and saw a tablet that looked similar to your Monopad. Since that was the only thing different in your room, you decided that was the so-called "present" Monosuke mentioned.

Out of curiosity, you hopped out of bed and grabbed the tablet, inspecting it. Nothing seemed totally off about it, other than the words "Kubs Pad" being written on the back. You sat back down on your bed with your Kubs Pad in hand.

You touched the screen, and the Kubs Pad turned on. The words "(Y/n) (L/n)'s Motive Video!" were present on the screen. Motive...you've heard that word before. You knew it was nothing good.

"Alright!" Monokuma's voice played from the Kubs Pad. "Back by popular demand, it's time for the motive video! Who's the most important person in your life? And now, without further ado..."

Suddenly, it switched to a picture of you and your school friends in a classroom at school. You were in the middle, grinning, with all of them surrounding you, smiling as well. You slightly teared up at the sight, but something in the background caught your attention. There was a figure turned around, looking out the window, but you immediately made them out to be Kokichi. You recognized his messy hair anywhere.

Monokuma's voice rang out from the Kubs Pad once more. "(Y/n) (L/n), the Ultimate Psychologist. She was the heart of her friend group; solving arguments, creating bonds, loving everyone. Her friend group wouldn't have survived without her. But then, a terrible event befell her greatest friends..."

The photo switched to your friends fighting each other. Not just with fists, but with deadly weapons. You saw Fuko lying on the floor with blood spilling out of her shoulder. You saw Oka and Genko hold knives at each others throats. You saw Izumi crying fearfully in the corner while Hayata surrounded her. It wasn't...the same.

"What tragedy befell this group of friends? Stay tuned to find out!" The Kubs Pad shut off.

Your blood ran cold. What the hell happened to them? Why were they fighting each other?!

Silent tears started to spill from your eyes, but you immediately wiped them away. That had to be fake. Your friends wouldn't fight like that, they just wouldn't.

You slapped your cheeks and sat up, pacing around your room. "It's not real, it's not real," you began to tell yourself. It was just Monokuma's motive. He wanted you to feel that way.

You hurried and did your morning routine, thinking of everything but the motive video. You shoved the Kubs Pad under your bed, so you didn't even have to see it.

And then, you made your way to the dining hall.

Once everyone settled in the dining hall, Maki impatiently drummed her fingers. "So, what is it? Why did you drag us here?"

"Didn't I tell you?" Kaito sighed. "It's about the Kubs Pads. Monokuma gave us a motive, we can't not talk about it."

"That thing that looks like another Monopad? That was a motive?" Maki asked.

ジレンマ : 𝐊. 𝐎𝐌𝐀 (HIATUS)Where stories live. Discover now