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The next morning when you awoke, a knock sounded out from your door. After you took the time to get yourself fully awake, you answered and saw Shuichi on the other end.

"Shuichi?" You yawned. "Is anything the matter?"

He smiled. "Good morning. Angie asked me to come and get you for her and Himiko's magic show. It should be starting in a few minutes or so."

You tilted your head. "What magic show? No one told me about it."

"You ran off yesterday before Angie announced it," he said in return. "I'm sorry. I should've told you when I had the chance."

Shaking your head, you stepped out of your dorm, your key tucked away in your pocket. "No, it's fine. Thank you for coming and getting me."

He nodded politely, then led you to the gymnasium. When you entered, you saw Himiko standing on top of a big tank with water inside of it, and Angie grinning proudly right besides the tank.

"What...is this?" You gasped. "It looks almost professional."

Taking more notice of the surroundings, you also saw a timer, and some type of fish tucked away in a plastic bag swimming around. You put together the dots, and realized it was an escape act.

You crossed your arms, leaning against the wall as you watched Angie begin the show. "Thank you, Atua, for being with us today," she began. "I present to you the mysterious, the miraculous, the amazing Himiko!"

Himiko's voice trembled. "T-The magic I will perform today is the extreme water magic...u-underwater escape act..."

"If you would please turn your attention to the water tank in front of you," Angie yelled. "When the timer above the stage starts, Himiko will enter the water tank. Once she's in the tank, her assistant--me!--will draw the curtain in front of the tank. After sixty seconds have passed on the timer, a separate, suspended tank will open and drop in a school of piranhas! Oh my goodness! After the piranhas have fallen and the curtain is open, if, by some miracle, Himiko has been gobbled up, please give a big round of applause!" She waited for a few seconds before laughing. "Just kidding!"

You and everyone else in the crowd looked at each other worried. Sure, you didn't like Himiko, but that didn't mean you wanted her to die. Especially not like that.

"Well, then. Let's begin the amazing Himiko's magic show!" Himiko quaked, before starting the timer, taking a deep breath, and diving into the water tank.

Angie announced, "Okay, I'm closing the curtain now!" She closed the curtain and grinned, keeping an eye on the timer.

Once twenty seconds have passed, Tenko groaned, "Himiko still isn't out!"

"She only went in twenty seconds ago," you comforted.

Ten seconds passed, and Tenko still urged. "Well, do you think she's alright?"

Gonta gulped. "Gonta starting to worry. Should we do something?"

"She still hasn't come out! Are you sure she's okay?" Tenko stressed, ten more seconds passing.

Twenty seconds were left on the timer. If Himiko didn't make it out in twenty seconds, she would've been annihilated by the piranhas. You felt yourself starting to stress as well, biting your thumb nail.

Gonta grunted, "Ugh, Gonta can't take it anymore!" Without a second to spare, he lept up on top of the tank.

"Aw, you can't do that!" Angie protested. "We're still in the middle of the show!"

Gonta shook his head. "But if Gonta do nothing, piranhas will eat Himiko-...Huh?"

The timer went off, and the piranhas were immediately dropped down into the tank. You gasped, stepping forward with the rest of the group.

ジレンマ : 𝐊. 𝐎𝐌𝐀Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz