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The monitor once again woke you a few days later. Though you were only there for merely a couple days, it was starting to feel normal to go to sleep and wake up in your dorm. It bothered you that you were getting accustomed to it, but it helped calm your nerves, if you were looking for a positive.

Upon entering the dining hall, surprisingly no one seemed to be in distress. If anything, it was probably the most joyful morning you've had since you've been there. You glanced at Kokichi, remembering his outburst from yesterday, and he seemed better.

Just as the previous morning, you were sat next to said person. He grinned. "Man, for a moment, I had no idea what was gonna happen. I'm glad it turned out like this!"

He was right. Ever since Monokuma "died", you've all just been roaming around unknowingly. Not one of you knew what would happen from that moment on. Even though the bear disappearing should've provided comfort, it honestly worried you. And you expressed that to your little group yesterday, but that conversation was short-lived.

Himiko touched her hands together. "I slept well last night. Also, I went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth all by myself." The way she said it, she was making it seem like that was some major accomplishment.

Tenko, as always, praised Himiko for the bare minimum. "You did all that with magic? You're amazing!"

"Praise be to Atua." Angie smiled. "Surely he helped you in his own mysterious, miraculous way."

Tsumugi creased her eyebrows. "This Atua seems to act in secret alot."

"Because Atua smells of danger." Angie winked.

Gonta thankfully changed the conversation topic. "But...when someone coming to get us?"

Keebo smiled, probably as an attempt to cool Gonta's nerves. "Whoever does, I'm sure they'll come today. There's no need to worry."

Almost instantly after Keebo said that, Kaede let out a long sigh. "But is this really how this ends?"

The whole room fell silent. Everyone stared at her, some with blank stares, some with curious ones.

She chuckled nervously, feeling everyone's eyes stuck on her figure. "I mean, it just seems too easy. I really don't think it'll end like this."

In a poor attempt to get the eyes off of her, you nodded in agreement. "I actually agree with her. Monokuma's literally a robot; there's no way for him to 'die'."

Kokichi said nothing, but you didn't miss the furrow of his eyebrows once you said that.

Korekiyo let out a low hum. "I wonder...do you two wish the killing game would have continued?"

You shook your head. "That isn't what I nor Kaede was saying. Don't put words in our mouths, Kiyo."

Across the table, Miu scoffed. "Then there's no reason to ruin our happy moment!"

"Happy moment? This is a happy moment for you guys? We're trapped here with no idea what's bound to happen. Does that actually sound like a happy moment to you?" As much as you wanted to remain calm, you couldn't. Seeing everyone talk so casually like everything was fine was beginning to piss you off.

Kokichi finally turned to you, tilting his head. "What are you so worried about, (Y/n)? Monokuma is dead. There's no way the killing game can continue, y'know."

As you were about to argue back, as if on cue, Monokuma appeared on the table. The only thing different, was that he was in a tan colored skirt and a necklace. His white ear was also shaped differently. "And that's my cue to appear!"

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