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The next day, everybody decided to test if Kokichi was right about Maki by visiting her Ultimate Lab. Although you believed him, you tagged along for the thrill of it. There was nothing better to do.

Upon opening the door, you slightly gasped. There were weapons covering the walls, meaning they were everywhere. Most of them consisted of multiple different types of guns and knives, with some other ones you couldn't name if you tried.

Kokichi snickered. "See? I told you she's not the Ultimate Caregiver, she's the Ultimate Assassin."

"You learned that from the motive video, right?" Shuichi asked. "Monokuma said everyone's Ultimate Talent at the beginning of their video. Ryoma knew Maki's true identity because he had her motive video, and because you saw that-"

Kokichi tilted his head. "Hm? I knew the whole time. Given my position, I'd obviously know before any of you. Anyway, her reaction yesterday pretty much gave away that she's the Ultimate Assassin."

"But whyever did she lie about being the Ultimate Child Caregiver?" Kiyo asked.

Miu responded, "'Cause assassins hide to do all their killing! If people find out they're assassins, they get all cautious and they can't kill anyone."

"Besides, given the circumstances, being known as the Ultimate Assassin wouldn't work in her favor," you said. "I mean, I wouldn't want anyone to know either, if I'm honest. Especially not in this killing game."

Tsumugi gulped. "Did she hide all that because she was planning to kill us?"

Keebo shook his head. "But then, why hasn't she killed anyone yet? She has had many opportunities to do so."

Kokichi scoffed. "Geez, a robot can't even understand human feelings, let alone a girl's heart."

"Please take back what you just said." Keebo frowned. "I can too understand human feelings, but I'm still in the process of collecting data. Please, give me data! Please!"

Kokichi smiled. "If you're so worried, why don't you ask her? She's been holed up in her room all day. But I can't promise that she won't try to kill you like she tried to do with me. Good thing everyone was there to stop her, but what about next time?"

Kiyo hummed, "The talent of a killer...That is the biggest threat to all of us who wish to survive."

"Let's just lock her up somewhere so she can't kill anyone," Miu said.

Your eyes widened. "What? C'mon, she isn't a dog. She hasn't even attempted to kill anyone, and we don't even know if she's planning to."

"Soundin' awfully hopeful despite the act you pulled last night," Miu scoffed. "Weren't you the one yappin' about false hope and all that?"

You glared, a little offended. "Can you really pin that against me? It was late and I witnessed someone get brutally executed. How did you expect me to react?"

"We all witnessed the same thing, but none of us went on a bitchy rant," she replied.

Kokichi defended you, his voice oddly stern. "Shut your whore mouth, Miu. Some of us actually have empathy for people instead of making some slut joke."

Miu, unsurprisingly, whimpered in fear. "What...?"

You turned to Kokichi, giving a thankful smile.

Kaito sighed. "Miu, don't blame (Y/n). She was right, it was late and she was frustrated. I know she didn't actually give up hope. Anyway, leave Maki to me. I'll take down that mask of hers. Ultimate Assassin my ass..."

"Thanks, Kaito." You smiled. "And yeah, out of all of us, you'd be the one fit for it."

Kokichi shrugged. "Okay! Let's leave everything to Kaito!" He then pointed at Gonta. "Gonta, you should stand back. Nothing good ever happens when you try to help."

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