🌸 Chapter 7

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🌸 Prim POV

I have a car! It's a two year old Subaru SUV thing. I like it. It can hold my boxes if I decide I need to leave but it can also drive me around town. It has been so long since I've driven though, I'm out of practice. Pete was surprised that I didn't want to finance the car but just wrote a check for the full amount. Between the inheritance I got from my dad and what I make from my art, I don't really have to worry about money at the moment.

A bunch of friends are coming over to pack up everything in my dad's house and move it to the barn tonight. Chad is bringing a buddy he works with and a bunch of boxes. Apparently they work at a mail delivery facility. Pete says he can come for a bit and he's bringing Jenny and their kids. Heather is coming too and I wonder if she'll bring her son, Anton. I haven't seen him since he was a toddler, when I left when I was eighteen. 

I didn't invite Matty. He was here for hours today. He ordered Thai food to be delivered for lunch. I was worried that he was going to get in trouble at work for hanging out with me all day but he said Hank would be so glad I said yes to the full remodel that he wouldn't get mad. 

Apparently Hank hired too many workers so they need my house remodel so everyone has stuff to do. I told Matty that the yard needs work done too, everything is so overgrown. He promised they'd take care of it.

I get a very nervous feeling every time I think about how I laid in Matty's arms today. Having him hold me and sooth me was like Burt's Bees lip balm for my soul. Coconut Pear flavor. It felt like old times, which was scary. I'm really hoping that letting down my guard with him today isn't going to bite me in the butt later. I've made so many stupid decisions when it comes to him, I just want to start making good ones.

Before he left, Matty got my cell number and email address. He also took pictures of the house and my drawings and emailed his architect friend. The architect said he could come by in two days, on the weekend. So I guess we are really doing this.

Also, when I was in town getting the car, Mrs. Renner approached me and asked if I would be around for the Mason County fair in two weeks. She really wants me to have a booth to sell my art. I think I'll make some little woolen finger puppets and little scenes in frames. She also asked if I wanted to donate something for the auction, which benefits the Newberry Boys and Girls Club. Right away I got this amazing idea for what I want to make. I came right home and sketched it with my colored pencils. I can't wait to get started on it.

I've decided to stay in my mom's studio while the work is being done. Matty did not think it was a good idea to stay on site. He thought I should stay at the motel or with a friend. He even offered for me to stay with him but I couldn't tell him that his mom is the one that lied to me about his girlfriend. It would hurt him too badly, especially now that she has cancer. I can't stay with her. She wouldn't want me to anyway.

My phone buzzes.

Matty: The guys say they are coming over to help you move stuff out. Can I tag along and help?

Me: You don't need to. You are already doing enough by renovating my house. Take the night off, put your feet up.

Matty: You don't want me there?

I can hear the pout even though he doesn't add the emoji.

Me: It's not that. It's just, you were here all day and I thought it might be too much.

Matty: Not too much. I'm coming unless you tell me you don't want me there.

Me: I'm just nervous after we had a nice day that we'll get in a fight.

Matty: No fighting, I promise.

Me: You can't bring your girlfriend.

Matty: Okay, there might be a little fighting if you continue to call her my girlfriend.

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