Water 7//Chapter 19

Start from the beginning

Sanji nodded, "No wonder the sea train goes here..."

Nami perked up as something seemed to catch her attention, "Look." She pointed to a small platform that looked to made of pure white marble, "It says 'Blue Station' over there."

"So where is the dock?"

"Maybe it's on the other side."

A man on a small fishing boat called out to the crew with his hand waving for their attention, "Hey! You there!"

Luffy turned, "Yah?"

"Pirates can't go in from the front like that." The man warned, "Go from the back!!"

Luffy smiled blankly for a bit before nodding, "Ok!!"

"Thank you!!" Chopper waved.

As the crew sailed deeper into the city, the mast hovering just barely underneath archways and bridges, they began to slowly take in the beauty of the city.

"Wow! Water Seven is so cool!!"

"This city is the best!!"

"Everything's floating on water...!! Even the houses..."

"That's not it." Robin pointed out, her figure hovering around Chopper's small figure, that was dangerously standing on the rails, "This city is just built on a sunken island."

Faythe leaned on the side of the boat, with one hand occupied with holding onto one of the sails' rope, "Look closely at the base of the buildings." The redhead leaned towards Chopper and pointed gingerly to the bottom of the stairs of a nearby resident.

"WOW! Pillars!"

Sanji smiled slightly at the architecture, "I see.. That's why it's the city of water..."

Luffy just sat on the figurehead with his fists raised to the sky. His regular massive grin still lay present on his face, "Yeah! Let's go find ship mechanics!!"

A man, that looked like he owned a restaurant on a random dock, cupped his mouth to yell at the group of pirates, "Hey! You can't anchor your ship there!!" His face passive as ever a he shouted a question, "What are you here for? Robbery?"

Luffy answered back with a straight face, "No. We just want to fix our ship." Finding absolutely no unusually in the question he answered.

Usopp stared guffawed, "Did he just ask if we wanted to rob him...?"

Wyper shrugged, "Maybe pirates coming through here is just a normality around here..."

"Makes sense." Faythe commented.

The restaurant owner smiled at the Captain's answer, "Head that way until you see a small peninsula." He pointed in another direction that leads around the city, "You can anchor there."

"Ok. Thank you!"


"I think this is it..."

"Ok. Pull up the sail!"

Faythe flew down from the top mast and yanked the sail's rope down, and with one strong tug, from Zoro catching her, the sails were quickly pulled up safely and secured.

Though the mast itself cracked and started tilting in one direction.

"Eh." Zoro and Faythe paled at the sight.



Faythe started laughing nervously as she and Zoro started to push it back into it's rightful place.

"That's surprising... I didn't think the Going Merry was in such a bad shape..." Zoro grunted with effort as Faythe barely did anything in her bird form.

Nami leaned on one hip in thought, "Why aren't the people here afraid pf the pirates?"

"It's just like Wyper said earlier, it's probably because pirates only come here for repairs." Faythe called out as she peered over the side of the ship.

Robin smiled, "Maybe they have very strong guys to fight any pirates if necessary..."

Sanji chuckled at the thought, "No doubt about that. There must be strong guys everywhere in a big city like this."

"FOR REALLL--!?" Usopp quipped out sharply, "THEN ISN'T IT DANGEROUS HERE!!"

"All the more better for the adventure to come!" Faythe cackled out as she dodged a thrown rock from the sniper.

Sanji ignored the small childish banter and answered Usopp, "It should be fine since we're all customers."

Usopp let out a sigh, "Phew..." Before he set his sights on the Captain and Writer of the crew already leaping over the rails of the ship and sprinting away, "WAIT FOR ME!!!"

Faythe twisted into a parrot as she landed on Luffy when stopped abruptly to wait for Usopp. As soon as the sniper caught up though, the trio began to sprint even faster, the parrot clinging to the Captain's shoulder.

"Okay! Let's go!!" They cheered in sync.

"HOLD ON! USOPP! LUFFY!! FAE!!!" Nami called out, loud enough that they heard and stopped, "You're going to follow me!"

Usopp pouted, "Where to?"

Nami quickly sped walked towards them after jumping down from the ship, "First we'll take Kokoro's letter... And find the man named Iceburg." She caught up to them, "We'll ask him to fix our ship. We also need to find a place to exchange our gold for money."


"Sounds like a plan!"

"Better than running aimlessly and getting lost later..."

Luffy grinned and started walking towards the city, his shoulders striaghtenedso that it'd be easier for Faythe to sit on them, "Alright! Enough talking!"


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