Chapter 46: The End of Omega

Start from the beginning

Sage, unyielding, fired another shot, aiming directly for Reaver's head. But to her astonishment, the bullet appeared to freeze in mid-air, caught by some intangible shadow. The sunlight that bathed the tower faded, plunging the sky into darkness as Reaver harnessed his formidable powers. "So be it, then," he uttered.

Sage barked her command, her voice unwavering. "Legion, prepare yourselves!"




Los Angeles, California, Alpha Earth

In the midst of the relentless battle against the Radivores, Jett couldn't help but voice her growing concern to Cypher. "Just how many of these damn things are locked up in this place?!"

Cypher, his focus sharp as he continued to fire at the approaching Radivores, responded calmly. "I don't know, but we can't let them get out of here."

Their firepower was making a dent in the advancing horde, but the odds were still against them. Just when it seemed like the situation might become overwhelming, Deadlock's arrival provided a much-needed boost. "Deadlock! Where's Glitch?" Jett asked.

Deadlock, her actions as precise and efficient as ever, replied with a calm demeanor. "He's handling the source."

Turning the tides, the trio continued to fight, their weapons blazing as they neutralized Radivore after Radivore. The minutes felt like an eternity, but their teamwork remained unshaken.

Finally, as their bullets found the last of the creatures, the lobby fell silent. The survivors, who had huddled in fear, slowly erupted into cheers and applause, acknowledging their heroic act. Jett couldn't help but share a triumphant smile with Cypher, who nodded in response, his hat-tip a silent salute to the people they had just saved. Deadlock, however, remained focused, her attention unwavering.

Jett's voice, filled with relief, broke through the tension. "Glitch... he did it!" She assumed that their comrade had successfully handled the source of the problem, a sentiment shared by Cypher and Deadlock.

Cypher reached out to Glitch through the comms, commending his efforts. "Good one, Glitch. Meet us outside," he instructed. However, as moments ticked by, there was no response. Cypher's concern grew, prompting him to try again. "Glitch? Do you copy?"

The trio exchanged worried glances. Before they could decide on a course of action, the sound of heavy thuds reverberated through the facility. All eyes turned toward the source of the commotion, and soon, something crashed onto a thick glass panel from a floor above.

It was Alpha Glitch and Omega Glitch, locked in a heated confrontation. Bullets flew as they exchanged fire, their movements a blur as they effortlessly dodged each other's shots.

Terrified by the unfolding chaos, bystanders began a frenzied rush to flee the facility. The trio fought against the surging tide of panicked people, determined to reach the two Glitches who seemed to be at the center of the turmoil. Amidst the turmoil, it was nearly impossible to distinguish between Alpha and Omega as their movements blurred.

Deadlock couldn't contain her anxiety any longer. "Y/n!" She called out to her world's Glitch, desperately trying to make contact. The two masked men momentarily shifted their focus toward her. But it was Alpha Glitch who responded, his voice laced with urgency, "Deadlock, get out of here!"

In that moment of distraction, Omega Glitch seized an opportunity. Swiftly, he raised his weapon and fired, hitting Alpha Glitch in the shoulder. Pain tore through Alpha Glitch's body, causing him to wince. Reacting swiftly, Deadlock and Jett opened fire on the other Glitch.

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