Dinner Party And A Kiss

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(Amy) I crossed my arms after when Rick left it was just me and negan, what do you want to talk about? I asked he looked at me still in the blood stained shirt. He patted the sofa as a sign for me to sit next to him. I walked over and sat down. Yes?

(Negan) I want to talk to you about your mum and dad and about you going to the community

(Amy) I'm not sure if I should go. I don't know if. I won't to

(Negan) I shook my head you are going Amy I looked at her I huff you shouldn't stay because of me "but" no you shouldn't if your happy with you mum and dad then you should go with them and you are going to have a baby brother or sister and someone will need to teach it right? Look after it too and that person will have to be you. I need it to be you Simon always said that he wanted to watch you grow up but he's seeing it through me as well and I think if he was here he would tell you to go with them yes if something happens you can track now right? You can find your way back to us

(Amy) but I promise Simon I'll look after you

(Negan) I closed my eyes i promised him that I'll look after you as well and that's what I'm doing i'll be fine I promise I will and I'm sure we will see each other I looked at her I just want you to be happy that's all

(Amy) I nodded I want you to be happy as well, Simon would have wanted that and my dad laughing at the name simon did hurt me alot I huff I looked at him I nodded OK..... I'll go "good girl" I smile I stood up I'm going to bed


(Rick) I got dressed walking to negan's house knocking on the door and it opens I looked at negan who did look much better from last night I walked in and we sat in the kitchen I drank juice as he stared into space

(Negan) I told her to go and she is I looked at Rick

(Rick) why? I asked

(Negan) because it's the right thing I need her to see the world to be safe and she will be she will learn more skills out there instead of forgetting what she's learnt

(Rick) I nodded OK

Time in the day.

(Amy) I was helping Maggie put some clothes away in her and Glenn's room "oh Amy?" she said I looked up at her yes

(Maggie) I wanted to tell you before the group I smile I'm pregnant

(Amy) I smiled oh my god congratulations that's great! does Glenn know?

(Maggie) I nodded yes I told him this morning I smile it feels so real and I know that you might not be here to see the baby but I just wanted to tell you, I smile

(Amy) I smile. I'm happy for you. I hugged her. This is really great. Are you going to tell the group?

(Maggie) today yes I smile


(michonne) we all sat down at maggies and Glenn's house eating having a family meal

(Glenn) I clear my throat um guys we have something to tell you all. um we found out a few weeks ago and we were going to say something but with... With everything that is going on we decided to wait and um we are I stopped looking at Maggie who smiled we are pregnant

(the group) wow that's amazing!!!!!

(Rick) we all got up and hugged and gave Glenn a hand shake and hugged Glenn and maggie, that's great news really I smile hugging Glenn and then Maggie

(Negan) congratulations I smiled "thanks"

(Maggie) um Amy Jack I said pulling them away from the group Glenn and I have been talking and we want you two to be godparents

(Jack) wow really!!!!! I hugged them both

(Amy) I smiled I huff joining in the hug

(Glenn) Amy I know that we all don't know if you are going to be here but Jack his going to be here and we are happy for that and just so you know you will always have a place a home with us

(Amy) thank you guys I hugged them tight

(Rick) That's really good news!!! I said to negan

(Negan) I always knew he had it in him I smile and that made Rick laugh

(Amy) um guys I say walking back into the room I have something to say as well um negan and I we was talking last night and um I'm going to go with my parents

(michonne) I nodded hugging her your doing the right thing

(Daryl ) yeah you are like I said you'll know if you get into trouble you can come back I nodded hugging her

(Jack) ill miss you

(Amy) I'll miss you too. I just wanted to say thank you for being there and when I'm gone you have to look after our godchild OK? He nodded

(Jack) I will I hugged her tight

(Negan) I watched on as everyone was hugging each other I did feel sad and happy at the same time

(Rick) Negan and I were talking to Maggie and Glenn about names for the baby when Jack came into the room pulling Negan away from the group. Everything OK Jack? I asked

(Jack) uhh yeah I say I pulled negan out in the corridor "what's up dude?" I wanted to ask before I did it and well before she goes you see I like Amy "I know" wait you do? He nodded I huff and I want to kiss her but the thing is I've never kissed anyone before and I might be bad at it

(Negan) waohh!!! So are you asking me for advice on kissing? I asked the kid and he nodded uhhhh right just ask her can you kiss her or do it buttttt don't take it too far yeah? He nodded and be gentle and just kiss her there's no book on it

(Jack) right yeah thanks I said walking off

(Negan) I laugh

(Amy) I was in the flower garden sitting and looking up at the stars "hay am I disturbing you?" Jack asked I shook my head and he sat in the bench beside me

(Jack) Hay Amy I know that it's kinda of pointless me saying this but I just thought I'll tell you, you are so special to me and I've liked you for a very long time I huff can I kiss you?

(Amy) I smile um sure but I haven't kissed anyone before

(Jack) neither have I . I smile we both stood up and was in front of each other um ready? She nodded I bent down slightly because she was much smaller then me and kissed her lips

(Amy) the kiss only lasted a couple of seconds and then we pulled away I felt my cheeks blush I looked up at him in his blue eyes he strokes my cheek and my hair wow I smile

(Jack) I laugh that.... That um was good she nodded I held my hand out and we walked back to the house I'm going to miss you

(Amy) I'm going to miss you to

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