Chapter 6

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(Negan) Angel do you know theses people? I asked walking over to her

(Amy) I blinked.... What? I asked looking up at negan who looked worried

(Negan) my hand rubbed her shoulder I asked do you know theses people?

(Amy) I.... I..., I ran away back inside the house not even giving him an answer I ran upstairs to my room shutting my door I fell on my bed

Flash back

(Amy) after dinner I was drawing in simons room on the floor while he was writing in his diary simon? "mmmm?" I stopped drawing and I climbed onto his bed

(Simon) I looked at the little girl with the blue cap on her head. what's up sweet?

(Amy) Simon if I find my mum and my dad could they stay here?

(Simon) I looked at her and raised my eye brow I always thought that your mum and dad died? That's why you never talk about them

(Amy) I shook my head I.... I... I don't like to talk about them because I've lost them I said in a sad voice which made him cuddle me

(Simon) Amy? "mmmm?" I smile if we find your mum and dad they can stay here I said to the little girl in my arms she popped up with a smile "really?" I nodded and then smiled but you better not leave me for them I wanred I smile and she giggled

(Amy) never leave you simon you are my family to I said hugging him he wrapped his arms around me

(Simon) that's always good to hear your my family to sweet pea.

End of flash back

(Amy) uhhhhh I covered face with my pillow

(Negan) how do you know. Her? I questioned the people

(Rick) neagn I said grabbing his arm and he moves away from me

(Negan) answer me

(The people from group) well she's our little girl

(Negan) I kitted my eye brows what? No Amy's mum and dad are dead so your lying I said crossing my arms

(Rick) I huff OK.... OK people calm down negan step away "but Rick" NO neagn just calm down. OK he nodded rolling his eyes. I turn to the people so if you are her mum and dad tell us one thing about her?

(People from group) she draws into her food when she was little I use to do that for her because she never use to eat with out it

(Negan) my heart dropped. I shut my eyes shit I huff

(Rick) negan's reaction I knew that they was her mum and dad I huff, what are you names?

(people from group) I'm vincent and this is Julie

(Rick) OK this is our doctor she's going to look you over all of your group

(Negan) then you can leave I said walking away

(Amy) a knock at my door woke me up from my day dream yeah?

(Negan) I opened her door, Hay kid you OK? I said walking in and sitting with her on her bed

(Amy) not really I huff

(Negan) I cloes my eyes they will be gone soon you don't need to worry I said and she hugged me

(Darly) did you look for her?

(Vincent) yes for a few days and then we thought that she was taken by the biters I'm glad that we have found her

(Julie) she will have to come back with us

(Rick) whaoo easy there that was what two years ago she's a different girl now and she has us we've looked after her all this time she's family

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