"yes you are!" I answered before looking at him.

When I look at him, he's already looking at me. His smirk turns into a big smile and I can't help but smile too.

"Why does you're smile have to be so perfect"

"why do you have to be so pretty?" he questions me back.

I smile at his comment.

"Why do you have to be so pretty?"



"Why do you have to be so pretty?" I question her back.

I look at her and I notice her smile.

God this girl is so..
I don't know how to explain it.
she's like a drug.

we are walking to her house, I stop in my tracks and picked up a stick and started poking her with that.

I could tell she was just getting annoyed.

eh who cares not me.

I know I just met her well more like I know this is the first time I'm hanging out with her but, she's got me wanting to do anything and everything for her.

"Are you ready?" She asks.

"what do you mean??" I reply.

"Two more hills" She says smiling.

"WHAT?!" I groaned annoyed.

She starts giggling finding it funny.

"fuck you" I say.

"when, where?" She replies before looking at me.

I'm looking at her and I smirk.

"What??" she says

"nothing, I wouldn't want to hurt a short person"

"oh my god Kyle, I was just kidding"

"I know, but I wasn't"

She turns around and shakes her head.

We're at the last hill I think I don't know. I take a hit of my vape and I look at her.

"Wanna try?" I ask.

Knowing her history with drugs, vapes and alcohol and cigarettes. And basically everything else about her thinking she'll say yes she shakes her head.

"no thanks, maybe another time yeah?" She looks at me and opens her mouth to say something.

"btw my mum isn't a huge fan of vaping, so if you don't vape in front of her we are good. I don't want her kicking you out. But you can use my bathroom for a vape break"

"ight, I need more juice though." I reply.

I stop her in tracks and point to show her how much I have left. She looks at me and giggles.

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