Triumph Over Kaliya

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Radha smiled shyly as She walked behind Krishna.

"Radhe, won't You say anything to Me?"

Radha looked at Him, the most beautiful cowherd boy in the entire Braj Bhoomi. He had beautiful soft curls framing His face. A crown sat atop His head, holding a peacock feather. The peacock feather ruffled in the cool breeze.

She glanced at His hazel eyes, wide and lotus shaped, and found Him looking at Her adorably. She felt embarrassed and quickly lowered Her head.

The cool breeze made Her freeze and Her hands trembled. She shook in nervousness. The peacock feather from Krishna's head flew and fell on Her veil.

She picked it up gently and glanced at it. She felt the peacock feather was a reflection of Krishna and if She could not see Him or make eye contact, She would rather look at the peacock feather and speak to Him indirectly.

Krishna came forward and held Her trembling hands in His warm hands. "Are You feeling cold?" He asked softly.

Her heart melted and She felt a million emotions of love and longing. It was like She had known Him since ages. His touch felt so familiar.

"No... I mean... I..." She mumbled Her first few words that She spoke to Krishna in person.

They were Her first words to Krishna. She had only spoken to Him through Her mind before. She wanted to speak to Him and tell Him all about Her longing for Him, but She could not find the ideal words to express Her feelings.

Krishna took the peacock feather from Her hand and waved it. "See Radha, even My peacock feather has Your name. I will always keep You with Me." He showed Her the letters embedded on the feather which spelled out Her name, Radha.

Radha looked at the peacock feather. Tears of joy flew down Her cheeks. She may have forgotten Their memories or had faint remembrance, but He had remembered everything.

"I have forgotten everything, but You remember it all. And still You're patient enough to wait for Me to accept My fate. My fate is You, Krishna."

She took the peacock feather from His hands and placed it back on His crown.



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"Mother Yashoda! Maiya Yashoda!"

Radha cried and ran inside the palace of Nanda Maharaj.

Nanda Maharaj and Yashomati Maiya came rushing to Her aid, recognising Her voice. "What happened Radha? Where is Krishna?"

Radha gasped for breath as She tried to speak in between sobs. "Maiya... Krishna... Yamuna... Serpent... Poison..."

She then fainted. Nanda Maharaj took Her inside and asked one of the women to take care of Her. He ran towards the banks of the Yamuna River along with Yashoda Maiya.

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